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Its a new feature be patient stop being so rude, ty to the devs who r trying their best! :)


For real it is not going to work perfectly first go especially not when they just added it

I know I'm sorry. I've been playing this amazing game since I really discovered it, and I restarted every time a patch came out. The gamer side of me was a little frustrated and I made the mistake of not waiting to comment. I'm a web developer myself, so I really know how long it takes to make something big and how complicated it is to implement new code. I would delete my comments, but I think that is the same as hiding, so they will remain as testimony that I was an idiot. Again, really amazing game, it really is.

I'm responding to myself because I don't know any other way to keep it in the conversation. First, I want to reiterate my apology for being rude. I got frustrated reading constant references to new content and being unable to play it, especially since what's happening to me in this case doesn't make logical sense. Apparently none of my web browsers are showing me the game correctly, or so I gather from the conversation with a couple of people telling me I can even choose my roommate. I don't see that option anywhere, and I even made sure to use a browser in private mode that I had never used for this game on this specific computer. So, if this happened to anyone else or anyone knows what the hell is going on It's happening to my game, please reply. I sincerely love this game since I discovered it, and the new content looks very promising, so I want to enjoy it too.