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A member registered Oct 06, 2019

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Yes, it is. I meant that it was not accessible in terms of texts. As I said in another comment, not everything has alternative text, so it is impossible to play without seeing. I understand that it is not too complex to add text to the images, although I will not risk confirming that because I have no idea how possible. My point is that the little I could play to I loved, and I would love to play the game completely.

A game that was able to implement this is Ravager, from 4minutewarning. The map was inaccessible because they were all icons, there are now texts for those icons too. I do not know how he did it, but it works, in case this is something.

As I said, I loved how little I could play about this game, and I would love to be able to play it completely. I am explaining these things because in this community, the authors are generally willing to work on these things, since the inaccessibility of the games is usually due to unknowing and do not usually have any problem listening. I thought you had read my previous post, that's why this was so brief and, I admit it, maybe a bit rude now that I read it. It was not my intention at all, the truth is that it only intended to be brief, assuming that my previous post was known.

Any possibility that this is accessible at some point? If not, I will stop trying, but at least I want to know.

Well, I don't know about what you should do in a technical sense, I do not know Rempi completely. Being myself web developer, usually what is usually done is to put the images the alternative text attribute to be read by the screen reader. As I said, I don't know how that is done in Remppy, although I know you can because I have played visual novels in Remppy before.

The good thing about this is that the images are still there, so the people who see do not have to do anything new. A game that has applied this is recently Ravager by 4Minutewarning. He had the same problem, in this case with the map within the game, since everything was icons.

Hello, is there any possibility of making this game accessible? I played it for a long time and I liked the story, but everything lacks alternative descriptions, so it is illegible with the voice or clipboard. I recognize that it is a free game, but it would be really great if someone made a mod, or a patch or something, with alternative text in the icons.

I have tried to play this game, but the lack of alternative text that can be read by SAPY5 or sent to the clipboard makes it almost impossible, since once the first loop is overcome, I cannot leave the end to continue since I do not see all the options.

Please note that putting things like colors in names is of no use to those of us who cannot see. The same thing happens if the characteristic of the person being described is too generic. This new feature is designed for accessibility, so placing it under a toggle is not a problem. Other options could be considered, of course, but the developer and his team are taking accessibility into account here. That's why everything is so descriptive and detailed, something that for many can even be annoying because they prefer to imagine the image in their head. Those of us who can't do that need the details.

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To access the phone you must have the menu bar displayed, where the options, saving, etc, appear.

The laptop, or any type of computer for that matter, will only appear if you have purchased it. Desktop computers will only be accessible in your bedroom, while laptop computers can also be used in the library or classrooms. Having a laptop will increase your studying in all of the places mentioned, as well as allowing you to access the internet in the library and in your bedroom. The desktop computer does exactly the same thing but only in your bedroom since you can't move it. As long as you are in your bedroom and have a laptop or desktop computer, you can also play a game. Note that the quality of the device plays a role, so a desktop computer inferior to a laptop will not be used, instead the laptop will always be used. Otherwise, the latter will only be accessible outside the bedroom since the desktop computer will be used inside it.

Also keep in mind that unless you are inside your bedroom, you will only be able to access your phone or laptop if you are carrying an object that can hold them. Backpacks or briefcases usually do the trick, and the phone can also be carried in smaller containers. There are phone-casses, and the dildo bandolier can also hold it.

Yeah, it finally happened. I thought I had lost the event. For some reason, in my head last week was the last week of school, not the month. Thanks anyway for the response!

I think there is something wrong with the new Halloween event. I was waiting for some kind of warning, and all I got was my roommate in a costume on the Saturday night right before the holidays. No one warned me about absolutely anything.

I personally find this feature to be very useful. At many random events you meet people you don't know yet and then you want to locate them. These unique characteristics allow the description to not be the same as many other characters, thus being able to find who you want among the people. Of course, I would not be opposed to turning it into a toggle, so that whoever needs it can use it, and whoever does not want it can deactivate it.

I myself am looking forward to those things too. D/S interactions are very simple at the moment, at least in my opinion, and group sexual encounters are maddening since I never know what to do.

It would be great to be able to interact with the entire group and not just one person. That would allow us to ask or do more things with all the other partners, something very difficult at this time. It would also be incredible to be able to see interactions between members of a polycule, both in sexual encounters and outside of them.

For example, just as there are events where you see different couples walking around campus, you might also encounter two or more of your partners, even with a small interaction where you walk up to say hello or kiss. It would also be great to catch them having sex, for example, and have different options, such as just continuing to watch covertly, moving closer, masturbating next to them, or even joining in.

Over time, relationship behavior could also be modified, so that a group of partners can invite you to join them, whether romantically or not, with you having the same option. For example, it would make a lot of sense if I could bring one of my partners on a date with another potential partner, especially if they both have sexual preferences that mesh. I mean, a lesbian shouldn't be able to fit in with a straight guy as a general rule, although in the heat of the moment there might be exceptions. I know of cases of lesbians who are willing to interact sexually with their partner's male partner, or even who have eventually fallen in love and remain lesbians with respect to the rest of the men.

I for one would like to see more interactions in the polycules. I mean, I love being the center of attention, but I would also like to see my partners be more intimate, sexual or romantic.

Improving D/S relationships would also be great. You can't do much with your own submissives actually. Also, one thing that's a little strange is that you can have D/S relationships with people you don't get along with. I understand why it was done initially, but BDSM requires a lot of trust and is not something you practice with someone you don't get along with. Collaring someone is comparable to a marriage in BDSM, unless it's temporary for a specific scene. Also, nothing stops your dom from being your partner, so it should be a different and complementary type of relationship.

The same goes for your fuckbuddies, since even if they are somewhat casual, nothing says they can't join the polycule for fun. By the way, it would be great to be able to ask someone to be your fuckbuddy.

I would put all this on discord, but I can't join. I suspect I need to configure permissions to access communities with explicit content. Anyway, congratulations to the developer and the rest of the contributors, the new content really is great!

Ah, I knew those options. I guess they're signs of something else then, considering there are even employees getting under the tables now. If they finally add something like this to the game it will be a lot of fun!

There are many implications that there is sex in QuickieBurger, and I don't mean the usual kind. There is always some white liquid on the tables and a transparent liquid on the seats. Is there any current event about that or are they hints of something future?

Ah, that makes a lot of sense. I guess we never thought of the simple answer, haha.

I don't know if it happens to anyone else, but one of my NPCs doesn't have all the options for dates. Hit the gym is missing. Otherwise, I love the new content!

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I've had problems with that myself too. My best friend always shows up to polycule meetings, but my other girlfriend doesn't show up. Also, my mistress pulled out a collar for me when he asked me, but I had to say no because at that moment I didn't have enough submission. When I asked her she accepted, but she didn't give me the collar. I had to buy one with the word submissive on it to comply with her rule of wearing a collar unless I wanted to be punished. Has no sense.

Also, there is no way for your submissives or your dominants to attend polycule meetings, which makes no sense because they are still a part of it even if the relationship is unconventional. I mean, there's still romance involved since you go on dates and really treat each other like partners. That's another thing I miss, more D/S in your sexual encounters with them and more romance when you meet in other contexts. After all, trust and affection are still important outside of D/S scenes, even if you and your partners have decided to adopt a full D/S dynamic.

It's also a little strange that your hatefucks can initiate D/s with bondage included. That requires supreme trust and it's not like you love each other. It's fun for sure, but a little strange. You can leave if you want, of course, but still... That is, however, a good way to improve your relationship with your hatefucks. If you accept their proposals they should begin to value you more since it is certainly not a conventional sexual encounter. Whether you are the sub or the dom, this should start to improve the relationship. It wouldn't be bad either to be able to turn some of your hatefucks into fuckbuddies or even something more.

It seems that being the little spoon, as well as other things that happen to you such as your date being the one who leans in for the kiss or the one who asks for certain dominant positions, depend on a hidden variable called control. The more positive control an NPC has over you, the more likely they will be to want to dominate you in sex even if they aren't dominant, and the more likely it will be for them to be the one asking for the kiss instead of the other way.

First, another suggestion. Sorry, but I can't join discord for some reason.

Sexual encounters with more than one person, if both have a vagina, are a little strange if you have a penis. It would be great if the system allowed us to ask each partner individually, that way we could choose positions that weren't so strange. I mean, I was literally forced to do nothing with my best friend while I was fucking another girl.

Another thing I have noticed is that you always become the center of attention during sexual encounters. It would be great if there were interactions between others as well.

Last thing, I promise! I have a mistress but she doesn't show up during polycule meetings and I can't ask for one from her either. Is it a bug or is it supposed to work like this?

Well, now I have a mistress, but the problem is that she doesn't fit the polycule apparently, so when I make my policule dates I only have one partner. I feel like that should change, or that if there is enough romance with your dom that should be taken into account somehow and the relationship should be a little different since it's not just a D/S relationship.

'You dream you're kneeling in a circle of men, all of them pumping their hard cocks over you. One of them reaches his peak, then, like a chain reaction, they all do, splattering your body with thick sticky cum.

Minor suggestion. Adapt this cumslut tilt unlock event. It's not a priority, but I don't think I'm the only one who isn't attracted to the male gender.

I know for a fact that favorite date doesn't always play a role as sometimes the NPC themselves will ask you before you guess their favorite date.

I myself am having trouble forming a polyculus. The first girl initially refused after asking herself to be official partners. I eventually asked her again and she agreed. The second one continues not to accept, although she has the dominant inclination so maybe she prefers to be my dom if she can't be my exclusive girlfriend? I honestly don't know since there is no real way to know what the NPCs want.

I'd like to suggest telling your dates that you're polyamorous or open or whatever from the get-go. Instead of everything being so strange, with them refusing first and accepting later, you would know if it is really worth pursuing someone or the type of initial relationship they want.

Nothing prevents a fuckbuddy from becoming an open partner or even a poly partner over time, but maybe that's not what they initially want. Same for someone single you're pursuing. Maybe they don't accept initially, but after several dates they are willing to try.

Yes, to some extent that is what is happening now, but at this point we have no way of knowing if anything will change. So if after the person initially tells us that he doesn't accept polyamory, whether we choose to continue pursuing them is up to us. Maybe they will finally accept us, maybe they won't, but that way if they say no from the beginning we can decide to pursue someone else.

Hoplite Cinema has a bug. I'm trying to find a person there and they are never there no matter the day or if I access someone else first to reload who is there. She never appears. From the outside, instead of Hoplite Cinema the place is called Hoplite Cinemas. It could be silly and not matter, but maybe that's what's causing the bug, maybe the place is called differently in the code at different points in it?

No, eventually you will have to find them during the evening and talk to them. Depending on how you interacted in that certain scene in the bathroom, the relationship will be different. It will only take into account the first time the event happened I think, at least that's what happened to me.

If you want to play as herm, you will have to find a less realistic game. This game aims to simulate a relatively realistic university life, so people like this don't exist here since they don't exist in reality either. Maybe in the future intersex people will be added, but even these people are not really hermaphrodites, and it would certainly be quite rude to refer to them that way.

Assuming you weren't being rude at all here, I'll make a point of pointing out that this game doesn't have futa people and probably never will since it aims to be inclusive and friendly. IMHO, it has quite a bit of variable sexual content, and possibly more will be added as the developers continue the amazing work.

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I think I have discovered another bug. I have a girlfriend and I'm a polyamorous cis guy. She has tried to break up with me several times but she always gives me another chance. However, when I try to break up with her, she asks me for another chance. Also, she always sends me romantic messages, but when I send them to her, she reacts as if we were just friends, even though she is marked as my poly partner and she reacts that way when we meet, except every time she tries to leave me.

Well, she's finally stopped giving me chances and now she's my ex.

I take this opportunity to leave a suggestion. I would do it through discord, but for some reason I am unable to join.

The thing is, I think choosing to be polyamorous shouldn't necessarily influence your virginity. I know in the quickstart you can do it that way while keeping your virginity, but the prologue forces you to lose your virginity if you choose that option. Furthermore, being demisexual does not prevent you from being polyamorous, and they are two different options at this time. Maybe the system should be modified accordingly?

Naturally I understand that this was established to begin testing relationships, and in that case I am making a suggestion rather than a criticism. I love the game, after all!

I have my first mistress and my first poli girlfriend! This is why I love this game so far! Even in fairly early access, it's already great, even if it does get a little repetitive at times. Keep up the amazing work!

Yes, I was doing all that. Lust and friendship with the best friend were at their peak, but the romance never went above 40 and the sex talks were constantly repeated, even when a certain event had already occurred, and I'm not talking about that last one. I know what you're talking about because in previous games I got there, and actually by loading a game from a previous version I was able to do it too, but from scratch it doesn't work for me.

I also know that I need to search for people through the people tab. What I never really checked was if it was after 8PM, I'll try that.

Thank you very much for answering, even if it doesn't work for me! For some reason my game doesn't seem to behave the same as the others, even on another computer and trying several different browsers. I'm supposed to be able to change roommates if I do the quick start, but I don't have that option anywhere either.

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There is no error, that is the problem. I simply do not at any time have the option of choosing my roommate. I've literally deleted the folder and downloaded the game multiple times and even played in a browser I've never played in before, and I still don't have that option available.

I can't share screenshot because I literally can't be sure what is actually being seen or not since I am totally blind.

When am I supposed to be able to choose my roommate? Before or after choosing my best friend.

Okay, I'm on another computer, with Windows 10 this time instead of 11, and I still don't see the option. I downloaded the game completely clean again. Is there some type of seed I have to choose or something? This is starting to get ridiculous, it can't just happen to me on all my computers and browsers. Has no sense.

I also tried to join the discord and couldn't, apparently I can't accept the invitation although I don't know why.

I'm responding to myself because I don't know any other way to keep it in the conversation. First, I want to reiterate my apology for being rude. I got frustrated reading constant references to new content and being unable to play it, especially since what's happening to me in this case doesn't make logical sense. Apparently none of my web browsers are showing me the game correctly, or so I gather from the conversation with a couple of people telling me I can even choose my roommate. I don't see that option anywhere, and I even made sure to use a browser in private mode that I had never used for this game on this specific computer. So, if this happened to anyone else or anyone knows what the hell is going on It's happening to my game, please reply. I sincerely love this game since I discovered it, and the new content looks very promising, so I want to enjoy it too.

I believe you, that's the problem. That what is happening to me doesn't make any sense. I mean, it doesn't even have to do with clearing the cache or anything like that, because literally in private mode the cache doesn't matter, even less so in a browser that I hadn't used before to play this game on this specific computer.

Like I said, I get the usual options of selecting my physique and all that, and the last thing it asks me is who my best friend will be, but nothing about my roommate.

That's part of what frustrated me, that everyone was talking about the new content and it's not working at all for me, and I've spent the last few days repeating the familiar content. Except blocked in some cases, like the best friend.

I admit I was a jerk about it and I apologize, but damn, you guys have to understand me. I barely find games like this that I can play normally. There are some games for adults, sure, but there isn't as much variety. Typically VN or web games are also too visually focused for me to actually play them, so finding a game like this, in its early stages to some extent, is almost miraculous. Not being able to play the new content and still hear about it really bothered me, and I was a jerk, I admit. But seriously, people. A little help here! Please? I'll give out free virtual cookies and everything, I promise!

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I know, but this option doesn't appear for me.

Either that, or I don't see it, which is posible since I am not always able to detect all the information on the web. My screen reader doesn't always read everything, and even then, hearing isn't as useful as sight.

I'm playing version j, by the way, in case that influences or helps, I don't know anymore. I love this game and wanted to try the new content, which is why I've been so annoying. Sincere apologies for that, but please understand!

No, Chrome in private mode, nothing. Only the option to customize my best friend.

Seriously, I can't be the only one who has this bug, it doesn't make any damn sense! I mean, I certainly think the option should be there, people talk about it. So why in my newly downloaded and tested game with all browsers in private mode it doesn't appear?

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That's a problem, especially since I don't know how to fix it. I'll try closing the window and starting a new game, and I hope it fixes it. That could be why I have the rest of the errors I'm having too. I'll have to say goodbye to my official in-game girlfriend, but she'll have to forgive me. I'm a gamer at heart, after all, haha.

Okay, there's a problem. I even opened an incognito window to make sure it didn't take cache into account, but no matter what I do, I can never choose a roommate. I can change my best friend, as always, but nothing more.

Okay, all my browsers have the same problem, aparently. This option doesn't exist for me.

I know I'm sorry. I've been playing this amazing game since I really discovered it, and I restarted every time a patch came out. The gamer side of me was a little frustrated and I made the mistake of not waiting to comment. I'm a web developer myself, so I really know how long it takes to make something big and how complicated it is to implement new code. I would delete my comments, but I think that is the same as hiding, so they will remain as testimony that I was an idiot. Again, really amazing game, it really is.

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The bug also continues when trying to lick a pussy. I don't want to be annoying, seriously, but this bug has been going on for a while and there doesn't seem to be an answer. The fact that we are in another position should prevent my partner from riding my face. Even if he or she is riding my face, that shouldn't stop me from licking anyway.

Okay, people. Ignore the idiot in this comment. Yes, it's me, I know. Like I said, an idiot who was frustrated. Of course, it would still be great if the bug in question was fixed, but everything takes time. No, I won't delete my past stupidities because I won't hide, but at least I'll edit so everyone knows I'm aware of my stupidity. I also love that I was able to give myself two downvotes, that normally can't be done.

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Seriously, it's starting to get really annoying not finding people where they're supposed to be. A lot is happening to me with many people, I arrive at the place where they are supposed to be in the evening and they are not there.

Also, my best friend is completely blocked, she keeps repeating events when I talk to her about sex and the option to change the relationship doesn't trigger at all.

Well, my dear past self, you just got a downvote from me. Seriously, man, relax and breathe.

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Where is that option? I started a new game but is imposible to change the roomate. Is a premium option?

Yes, definitely a patreon option, or don't even exists.

Wow man, how rude! I definitely need to drink something relaxing before weighing comments. Anyway, here it remains as testimony that sometimes I am a rude idiot.

I continue to talk about sex with my best friend, but it doesn't work anymore. I was able to continue the relationship in the game I was already playing, but when I started the new one a few days ago to test all the new content, it stopped working.

I encounter a bug. My polyamorous girlfriend asked me to be oficial partners again. I'm playing the 'h' version. I don't know if this bug was fixed in the 'i' version

What the fuck? I thought we got along well!

The class bully was showing me things. We were getting along well. Suddenly she comes, steals my homework and forces me to choose between dropping my pants or giving my homework! I want to slap the bitch!

In my case, what unlocked my official girlfriend was saying yes when she offered me a ride home. I don't know if that really matters, but I'm mentioning it just in case. Also, make sure you listen to what he or she asks of you in sex, especially when it comes to where your partner wants you to cum. If they ask you to do it outside and you don't have enough willpower, go back in history and make sure you change positions or whatever to cum where they want you to. Again, I don't know if this plays a role, but I was actually violating that part without knowing it. 😬