The idea for the view is actually for a bigger game I'm planning... and I now realize it feels like giving out information and decreasing the chance of novelty of the planned bigger game... but whatever I guess. But basically the bigger game would be like this I guess. It took quite a time to come up and stick with the view, it's a form of cavalier projection (but I didn't find anything like this). It's 72x72px squares, rather steep 2:1 slope upwards depthwise, so 48px and 24px residuals to different directions. 72 is a great number since it can be divided by 8 and 9 (since I'm planning to have even smaller scale modularity). Also one pixel would actually represent one centimeter... so for example one basic block is the same height as a table, two thirds are the same height as a chair. Also obviously it wouldn't only be 72px, but maybe smaller or bigger in some cases (x times bigger assets - actually here it's 2*72px - and smaller when zoomed out, anyway using whole numbers for sizes are better when things are supposed to be tiling, although it still doesn't always work). I'm using CSS and they have to have image rendering set as pixelated or crisp-edges. Not quite sure what I'm going to do with many different kinds of image edges. My main reasoning for this kind of cavalier perspective was that I want the game to be arrow key controlled and easy (whereas isometric would be weird to control with up down right left), yet straight top-down looks a bit too odd and is hard to draw. Also, in this way you get relatively large bottom layer vertically too (compared to projections where the depth slope is not so steep). It IS supposed to be used as top-down AND platformer thing though. One problem is that I need to draw so much more, since I don't really want to use 3D models either. Especially if I extent these into 8 directions. But after all it still might be something that would be fun to work with, slowly adding material.