This one was a bit hard to get into for me. First of all, I like the presentation and the art is very cute. I also like the poetry sections pretty well!
I found the prose a bit hard to enjoy though. While I got a pretty basic idea of what the main conflict of the story is and what the story is about, What exactly was going on line by line was sometimes confusing (I am an ESL though, so take my words with a grain of salt).
As a random example, this is a line of dialogue from the game: "Most of the stuff that leaves Vekpoji freely is a public face but inside the country it's much more open to complex depictions of stuff." Upon second reading, I guess I understand what this line is trying to say, but the first time I read it I was like "Huh?" Much of the VN was like this like me, I was slightly confused as I was reading it, but then I was able to piece together an idea of what was going on.
Still commendable as a first VN!