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Hello, thank you for playing the game and keeping more of a positive attitude (apologies for the bugs and misinformation.

- "I can't order or give commands to any of my pets" : this is a skill learned later on in the story. Nishy figures that Blondie is able to do this and she wants to learn this aswell. Until learned, the player has to do it by physical interaction then hold to cancel (only Call and follow, cannot send them to attack).

- "I can't talk to residents" : interacting with any of them (by pressing Left Mouse Button / Enter) should trigger a chat with them. However, until milking is unlocked that is not of much use.

* SideNote: Free Mode is a time skip version, which is why she just remembers things she learned in story mode, hence the commands and other abilities available from the start.

- "F5 and it didn't help" : sadly, F5 is only for unbugging player (Nishy), it won't fix other issues in backbground, those are usually fixed by sleep or game restart. I do recommend to do a step by step on how to replicate the error then submit a bug report (check in main post above on how to create a bug report).

- "how to sell milk" :  Fill the Milk bucket (in nest) > pick it up and interact with collector nearby , then select fill > drop the bucket, go outside to your bar > interact with it (Left Mouse Button) > select the desired collector, you'll get a milk cup spawned near > interact to pick up the cup > go near a crowd NPC > Target the NPC (tap middle mouse button) > tap the milk cup slot number (ex: if it's in slot 1, then tap 1) > now press and hold Right Mouse Button > if the NPC can drink you'll get 2 options (Free- give extra reputation but no money, Sell- gives money and a bit of reputation) or a message (in which case you should just keep searching). Check the 3'rd gameplay video (in main post above). Also make sure you don't have multiple mixes in the same colector (writing Mix as the combo) , those don't sell too well (you can also check the icons above the milkcup in you quick slots, if it's ? then it probably won't work).

- "russian translation" : sorry, but i do not have the knowledge to make it myself, and the game itself wasn't optimised for localization, which is why it was mostly translated via Google Translate. I do highly recommend playing in English version (i'm quite certain that most of the jokes didn't translate well). If anyone is willing to translate it, the translation files can be found in AutoTranslator > the desired language folder (however, it's over 400 pages).



(1 edit)


  • thank you for reading my message
  1. The F12 button doesn't work for me sorry I was unable to send a bug report:D
  • I did everything as you said, but it didn't help me. 

I watched a video on how to sell milk, there is not a single video where how to sell milk:( but I found a comment where they told me that if I press the F5 key, the menu and cells will appear It didn't help me:__ 

  • where should I send the video so that you can see how to solve it
(2 edits) (+1)

I think to get a bug report thing is f11 then it should be the files of the game just copy it and email it to the dev.

Will note tried this before it didn't want to copy everything so I have dive deeper and copy the insides of it

And to sell "milk" press the middle mouse button, which should focus on them, press which cup you want to use (1 or 2) then press and hold the right mouse button then it should pop up the menu to either sell the drink free or have them pay for it you will get hints on what fetish they want by the words they mock you with such as (Bunny, Kelpie, cow, ect) they won't take anything else (in free roam you can immediately tell as they will have the words above their heads)

Hope this helps ya

@dumboishere, Thank you for responding to my message, but unfortunately, as I said, I do not have this menu.


I agree with @dumboishere , sorry for the confusion

If his tips don't help, then send me the video and generated bug report (if you managed to create it) on email :

SideTip: If there's an issue with creating bug report (as @dumboishere mentioned), you could try launching the game as administrator, this might help copy the save files from C drive, without the need for the user to manually search and copy the required files.

okay, I'll try to run the game on behalf of the administrator. I sent you a message with a video! 

  • when I was still playing in free mode, there was still an animation bug I will try to send error reports.