I think I have found some bugs
1. If you go to the cultists island in morning and defeat Celestia there and again to the cultists island in the eve, you can not return back to the city. The arrows for navigation on the island also dissappear and when you click on Elaine to take you back to the city, the dialogues that appear are of when you want to go to the island i.e., island, expedition and nothing.
2. The curse of belial card and succubus of curses don't really work on the cultists. Like you can see their height getting absorbed(decrease) but when you battle a cultist immediately after that, their height somehow shoot up to the original amount they had before. This problem didn't occur when I used oblivion and the card given by Diana to battle them previously in an other mc body type. Same problem occurs while battling Celestia.
3. Also the cards in your hand sometimes get stuck and idk why...like they get pushed downwards somehow and you can do nothing to undo except restarting the game which makes me lose all my progress of that day.