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Excellent work! Very detailed, and the resolution, while resulting in some large files, is great for close in combats! As a suggestion for folks, if you have a decent graphics program, you can do some home brew resizing of the files to get them smaller. You'll lose out on some of the resolution, but the gain in file size might be worth it for you.

On another note, at the current size, what's the scale for these? That is, how many pixels is a five foot square (or hex)?

Thanks for the great work! 


PS. I'd also toss in my vote for other terrains, like winter. There's a Fallout adventure called "Winter of Atom" that would benefit greatly from some good wintery maps.

Thanks a lot for your amazing comment my friend. Yes unfortunately the tech is not developed yet for us to have wonderful resolutions with small sizes. Webp format doesn't work due to high res and Jpeg is the smallest format I could find losing little bit of quality. Png format is 3 times bigger but the quality difference doesn't worth. 

About the tile sizes, it varies in every VTT program but you can calculate roughly mid size maps should be 50x50 and large ones 75x75. Very rarely I make crazy 100x100 maps as well. You can understand which one is which from their file size honestly. When this doesn't help, I'm trying to make 1 tile the size of a "chair" in the map and it mostly works :) 

And finally you're right, I'm receiving some good deal of Nuclear Winter map requests but the thing is I don't have winter assets :( once I'm able to find some I'll immediately start making them. 

A bit of hype, next pack will present abandoned battleships which some of them might even be functional! 

Thanks again buddy, I really appreciated your words! 

Yeah, I found that out. WebP is great and gives good compression, but the resolution limit makes it difficult for larger maps. I've had some luck with splitting the larger maps into quarters. I've then uploaded them to my VTT of choice (Foundry) and then put them together once uploaded. You might also check to see if you can use zero loss JPG format. You still get decent compression, but you don't get the little pixel artifacts that show up when you zoom in. Anyways, just suggestions. Keep up the great art regardless!


(1 edit)

thanks Morgan. I'll definitely check zero loss JPG. My teachings of computer science is fighting  in me since "compress" and "loss" are always taught as a package to us 😂 but I believe with the help of AI we will have crazy things very soon.