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(1 edit)

Might I recommend appending something like a version number/identifier to the .zip download? I think it would do well to mitigate future "is the game updated" queries, among other things.
EDIT: Somewhere or something for reporting bugs might also be worth considering, so we don't end up flooding your comments with them ; w; On that note, I noticed that the player's stepping sounds are duplicated when walking diagonally (since we are walking in basically two directions at the same time, I guess it's playing the sound for both). It give Cinq the spooks every time.


I will see if I can put the update version of the game when I update it.

Bugs being reported here is fine. I do not think it will flood the comments since I know most of the bugs. Ideas to fix the tough ones come to me over time.

I will look into the walk sounds when moving diagonal. I did notice it but after alot of testing I probably got used to it.