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Hey Jackie

I have a problem soni basically defeated the evil nun that came out of church mirror and I saved the nun's husband and when I left I don't see my sex maiden nor the nun but I see the husband laying down in his room is it a bug or smth? And there is another bug where I can't see sex maiden or the lust orb... Pls reply

You saved the Nun's husband but not the Nun? Even Kaleina gives you a hint before you kill her that if she dies the domain will close and who is not rescued will stay there forever... About the Sex maiden she should come back when the domain is closed and lust orb is put back in place. If you have further issues feel free to contact me on Discord.

I found a solution thank you

hi there Jackie ! 

I have one question which is, how to release meri's sister from tenacles ? 

so, I got both Mary and her husband, but the domain isn't closing, am I missing a piece to be able to close it?