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Aw man, I was really looking forward to this one! The graphics and presentation is absolutely PERFECT. The overworld theme is absolute 🔥🔥 That bassline is so good!

But I just couldn't really get into the gameplay. It was really hard to predict enemy movements and so I just kept dying over and over :(

Would have much rather launched magic missiles and fireballs from a safe distance; the bumping mechanic was hard to do without taking massive damage from every monster

I tried one last time and attempted to avoid enemies this time. I got to explore the nearby town and talk to some people, i explored south next and found a cave. Unfortunately I encountered an ogre and in 0.2 seconds I was down to 4 hp. Had to eat my apple and then enter the cave. Got rekt by the ogres in there, game over again. I think I have to call it there, I really wanted to give it a good shot but it's a bit too punishing right now with the balance.

Overall great execution, and it might be able to be salvaged with just tweaking some numbers a bit or adding a difficulty mode at least.

(1 edit) (+1)

Thanks for your comments.  Did you try using the bed at Goudan's home to recover HP?  It can be done for free, there.

You do make a good point about the difficulty, so I have included some tips on how to get started with the game.  Thanks!