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(1 edit) (+1)

Hrm not sure if there's something wrong with your submission. Instead of letting me download it from the jam submission page it takes me to the game page and then Itch tells me it's been quarantined when I try to download it... going to skip this one.

*Sigh* I don't know why my game was targeted for quarantine, but I completely understand your fear.

I promise there is nothing wrong with my game, but I just got lumped in with people from my side of the globe known for being involved in unsavoury activity.

There should be a "download anyway" tab/link that'll allow you to still access the game. But I completely understand still skipping it if you so choose.


I went ahead and downloaded it regardless after seeing others comment about having played it. 

Definitely an ambitious game to try and get done within such a small jam window there's a really solid foundation here for a "Slender-like" game. Wandered around for awhile and kept getting stuck on the trees and then eventually found the campfire (I think? It was a floating red flame) then it kicked me back to the main title. I wasn't really sure if I won or died but the game page says the objective is to reach the campfire so I guess I won!

The bike just appearing on the HUD to "ride" was quite funny IMO.

Yeah, the hit box for the trees are HORRENDOUS! I didn't like players being able to ride through them but giving them collision, with all the leaves getting them as well, was just an unknown recipe for diaster 😭

The end game screen for winning broke on me legit as I was exporting the game, and didn't have enough braincells left to fix it so I just teleported the player back to the start 😅