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Wow, what a cool game! Especially for being made in 12 days, this is really ambitious! There's a lot of good things to say, so I'll start there. The visual style is obviously a stand-out, it really captures the grossness of 90s cartoons. Seeing Meatball move remained delightful throughout the entire game, his funny crawls, the bounciness when he crouches, and some of the unique animations like blushing after getting a kiss, just overall fantastic. The soundtrack is solid too, and I found the core character movement to be pretty satisfying. Combat was simple, but serviceable enough, I especially enjoyed bouncing on enemies with the downward attack. I quite enjoyed the boxing gloves boss, that one was fun.

There's two main points of criticism I have. One is rather minor: the camera was sometimes uncooperative. Sometimes I couldn't see very far ahead of myself, so I ended up running into a wall, or worse, an enemy.

The other is a bit more substantial, which is that I think the world is too big for the amount of content you have. There's not a lot of variety in enemies, hazards, tiles, etc. which is super understandable for a jam, but the world you created is huge! I spent quite a lot of time just wandering around, looking for progress, and this really took the wind out of my sails. The fact that the map isn't connected, but made up of disconnected chunks connected by bubbles (love that his name is Kino btw) makes it hard to get your bearings. The worst of it was after I got the bomb powerup, when I ended up spending nearly an hour backtracking through the entire world looking for a place to bomb to progress. I found a lot of powerups, but no progress. As you know, I ended up having to ask on Discord, and it turns out a wall had disappeared by itself at the starting area. I'd even gone back to the starting area, but I hadn't noticed that a block behind the save point had gone missing. This felt rather frustrating, I'm not sure how I was supposed to figure it out myself. If I hadn't gotten to ask a dev, I probably would've dropped the game there, which would've been a shame, because I really enjoyed it overall!

Oh, yeah, one little hangup, during the ending sequence, I ended up going back the way I came from and ended up wasting 3 minutes before realizing that I couldn't exit the zone that way. Probably should lock the right exit from the boss room.

I ended up writing a lot of criticism, but that's only because I really enjoyed this game, I promise! All the core systems, mechanics, presentation are incredibly solid, but the lack of guidance combined with the huge size of the map sadly soured it a bit for me. Still, incredible job!

(I got 90% item completion but sadly did not rescue my wife ;_;7 rest in peace)