By all means, thank you! It truly is a brilliantly-designed game. It doesn’t get old. I found the Halo-looking weaponry today and played with that, and some of the more novel weapons in the editor. I was also impressed with the inventory; perfectly identifiable M249, FAL, P90, FS2000-looking guns. You have quite a knack for replicating in this platform. I love seeing the shells eject- masterful. I require no formal acknowledgement in credits for an update, as it is quite pleasurable to simply exchange ideas with a talented developer; but if you insist, please just use my gaming handle ‘fatefulday’.
I am so stoked about this update it’s unusual - I am going to begin sharing this game with friends because it really deserves more attention. If I didn’t despise social media I would do a much better job for you, but it’s just not something I subscribe to. Hold onto this design and code because it’s really something!