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(3 edits) (+4)

I REALLY enjoyed getting to spend time with all the boys again after waiting so long~ 😊 I absolutely looove how different each route is! It really leaves the reader guessing where the story might go! 😁 Amazing updates as always~

I’m also really happy with how xou guys found a way to incorporate Gilliant even though he’s not romancable. The way xou included his backstory was a very good writing choice, and not simply as a filler or as character building, but incorporating this scene was a great way to progress the story. It both makes the world feel fuller and distracts us from the primary storyline, which is a great way to pace the progression of the plot 😌

One last thing. I’d like to suggest a change in phrasing, if I may be so bold? When the MC refers to himself as “A prey”, it should rather be phrased simply as “Prey”. Saying things like: “Just because I’m prey doesn’t mean I can’t be strong!” makes more sense than him refering to himself as “A prey”. This word is used to describe both plural and singular beings, which means it doesn’t need an indefinite article.

Xou guys could alternatively say something along the lines of “Prey-kin”, which would align with xour “Anthroken” word. But all of this is just a suggestion! I’m a bit of a stickler for details, so it isn’t all that important in the grand scheme of things 😋


Hey, as always it's a great pleasure to read your commentary! We're glad you are still into the VN after all this time, and you'll soon see a lot of storylines will unravel! :)

I'll take note of the "prey" thing to incorporate it in the VN, thanks a lot for that! I'm not sure I'll find all the sentences where it appears (because I'm pretty sure I made this mistake before?), but from now on I'll avoid using "a prey"! :)


No problem! And I think it only appears in Vekad’s route 🤔 though I could be wrong (maybe also the scene in the beginning where Akhet and the MC get ambushed by bandits)

Great work as always, I’m really excited to see how the story unravels (especially with the cliffhanger xou left us on in Vekad’s route! 😯)