DAMN this game is good, had to sit down and draw some fanarts (like me doing rn) but there's one unrealictic aspect: ain't no way I have sm friends. I also absolutely adore the way there's actually attention to my(angel's) deck, like well done I feel REAL included bwahaha. But seriously tho before this game I couldn't even imagine such devotion to makin s-scenes diffrent and interesting, usually it's gn more on the femenine side. Pleasant surprise 10/10. Also I LOVE how mc tries to remain normal abt odd tall men but unfortunately me is the worst angel possible. Gonna wait for more updaits muah <3
Yeahh np I would say more kind words if my vocabulary was better in eng, also completely forgot to mention: that art is tasty as hell, really soft like marshmallow or whateva, would eat it OR it's like a pretty kitten you love sm you kinda wanna squeeze it to death. Ehhh my fanart a bit crappy but I'll happily drop it wherever is the better place for it ":)
Digital kisses