Thank you! I was certainly not the first to use the replace macro in this way, nor the first to use colored links in twine, but this may have been the first twine game to do differently-colored links for the "advance" and "replace" links, to distinguish their functionality. I still want to do a collection of hypertext games someday where multiple link "mechanics" operate on the same page of text using different colored links... I think that deft and mechanistic uses of link types is a style that still has a lot of life left in it. It definitely wasn't fully explored during the boom of Twine games in the 2010s. Would love to see anything you do in that space!
Thank you for the reply! I will be on the lookout for your collection of hypertext games! Are there any Twine games from that 2010 boom that you view as essential to the development of Twine games today? I am curious to investigate existing effective mechanics and play around with the "link type style" in my work.