Thank you! I was certainly not the first to use the replace macro in this way, nor the first to use colored links in twine, but this may have been the first twine game to do differently-colored links for the "advance" and "replace" links, to distinguish their functionality. I still want to do a collection of hypertext games someday where multiple link "mechanics" operate on the same page of text using different colored links... I think that deft and mechanistic uses of link types is a style that still has a lot of life left in it. It definitely wasn't fully explored during the boom of Twine games in the 2010s. Would love to see anything you do in that space!
Laura Michet
Creator of
Recent community posts
I should probably say something here but this game is fantastic and I have been playing it for years, though often intermittently. I had it installed on my work laptop two jobs ago and I used to play it for hours when I had no work to do and nobody around to give me any additional work. It's so good. It's so good I recently recommended it to someone and now I am gonna buy it again and play it again. Fantastic stuff.
It's a JSON file, so you'll have to open it in a text editor specifically. If you're on windows, right-click it, choose "open with," and select a text editor like Notepad. (Notepad is better than Microsoft Word here.) Once you get in there, you'll see some lines that look like this:
"screenwidth": 1920,
"screenheight": 1080,
Change those numbers to the resolution you'd like the game to be. Then save the file. Make sure to retain its .json suffix.
the Options button opens a text file. You can change "true" to "false" and vice versa to turn things on and off. See below:
screenwidth = [change to the width of pixels you want]
screenheight = [change to the height of pixels you want]
fullscreen = [True = fullscreen / False = windowed]
audio = [1 = on / 0 = off
music = [True = play background music / False = no background music]
I am really taken by this book on public health I found on the Gutenberg Project website. It has quite a lot to say about sewage, what direction your house should face, how disease inheritance supposedly works, and some useful formulae for figuring how much acid to pump into my home before I am killed:
"The following formula enables many problems relating to ventilation to be solved. Let p = the amount of poison (carbonic acid) in every cubic foot of fresh air, viz. ·0004 cubic foot. Let A = the number of cubic feet of fresh air delivered or available, P = the amount of carbonic acid exhaled, and x = the amount of carbonic acid per cubic foot in the room at the end of a given time. Then—
x = p + P ∕ A, whence A = P ∕ (x - p).
If the carbonic acid in the air of a room is ·75 per 1,000 volumes (that in the outer air being ·4 per 1,000 volumes), and there are five persons in the room, how much air is entering the room per hour?"
I'm generally worried about finding good stuff to put in my project because so much of the 1923 stuff we now have access to is so boring, bad, or racist. I'm sure that there's some gems here in the books but I don't have time to read like 1000 novels to find the good shit.
I can see if I can extend the deadline until noon PST on November 1, but I'd like to end it within the next few days because we've been running this for a while and it is time for it to end.
That said, this is not a competition and there is no voting, so it doesn't really matter when you finish it. Try submitting whatever you have before the deadline and marking it as "in development" through itch! Then you can finish it or upload new builds whenever you have time.
Hey dommy,
While I agree that one of the games submitted here looks like an opportunistic attempt to just hook onto a popular jam, remember that this is a game jam, where the points aren't real and the quality of your work literally doesn't matter. It's OK to submit half-baked projects and low-quality stuff to game jams. Game jams are about experimentation, and I hope we get to see a lot of good on-topic experiments, regardless of quality level.
Here are some tools you can use that require no or very little coding knowlege, or are easy enough to learn that you could learn them in two months. I crapped the first version of this list out in the middle of the night when I made this jam, so if you have any other tools to suggest new developers, add them below and I'll stick them in this post!
Twine 1 or 2 -- both are equally easy to learn. Twine 2 runs in-browser, too. You can find getting-started documentation here.
Bitsy -- a tile-based game editor here on! Great for making games focused on exploration and small scenes. Instructions are in the app!
Ren'Py -- a visual novel engine. Many visual novels you've seen were probably made in this engine, and the markup language for its dialogue system is easy to learn. The quickstart guide is here.
Construct 2 -- an HTML5 game-making tool! Very accessible to beginners! Tutorials are here.
RPGMaker -- makes JRPG-style stuff! There's many different versions and they all cost money, but the older ones are cheaper.
Also check out for more suggestions!