I got it! I think so, heh. I got an ending called "Ending", a "House Ending", and "Jumbled Ending" (funny lol). Are there any more endings?
Some little feedback:
I didn't get the "making cube happy" puzzle until you mentioned that it needed to become happy. There's some clue that the wizard says about "not making it upset" or something like that, the shrine does say something about "shape" and "senses", and of course the "didn't like that" is some kind of clue to it, but I think it would've really helped if the cube had some "feedback" on each sense if it had been fulfilled. i.e., first time I played, I accidentally did ear-shell, and the shell became non-interactable, but the cube on the ear side remained the same. Some change would've indicated that I need to change all / more sides.
Unless I missed something, the "go through the mirror" is kind of weird. I discovered it accidentally without using the scroll the first time. And for me, it didn't seem to do anything. It seems that it changes the ending. But does it affect anything else in the world? It's a very weird mechanic.
I liked a lot that you have 2 ways to unlock the books (killing the Wizard and fooling him with the mask), which kind of affects the gameplay - first time I played, I killed him, but he does give valuable information about books and scrolls. That was cool. It would be interesting if there was a way to also move forward with the story without killing your masked friend - maybe there is! and I haven't found it. I'll try that tomorrow.
PS: The virgin with the knife is the best character.