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I wish to ask Kalnareff since the black gloomy statue cursed Melo to basically not die does that mean magic exists in the world? And if so could we see other mythical creatures like a fluffy carbuncle?

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Magic also exist in our world, look at what magicians can do with playing cards


I am sorry maybe I wasn't clear. I was curious if real magic existed within the game world of Deeper Club you created as I like exploring world building questions like that. Since this Gloomy statue places a curse on Melo that allows him to basically cheat death that would imply real magic does exist. I'm not sure why you brought up the real world for as I was only asking about the game you made.

I see it more like a curse than anything, I'd really love to limitate the use of magic in this world

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Okay but you didn't answer if there would be something like a carbuncle or Kobold or not it's okay if not just wondered. Also since i mentioned human animals hybrids are there going to be mixed animals like a dragon rabbit for example? Oh and do some anthro have digitigrade legs or not?