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A member registered Oct 24, 2022

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Okay I didn't notice that I'll have to redownload it but I'll try maybe. Not to be mean to your game but I silghtly like Heat control abit as it shows just one picture a time where as this one constantly shifts them rapidly. I know that's just how it's made again I mean no offence.

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I just today decided to try this out but one problem i was told to tag pictures while I calm down but I couldn't do anything else it wouldn't advance after that I was just on the tag screen. Was I missing something how do I progress then? Also wish we could make it windowed by pressing  alt enter

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Okay but you didn't answer if there would be something like a carbuncle or Kobold or not it's okay if not just wondered. Also since i mentioned human animals hybrids are there going to be mixed animals like a dragon rabbit for example? Oh and do some anthro have digitigrade legs or not?

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Can I ask where in the world Beast is in the new map? I got used to the old version that now I'm having to relearn where everything is granted it looks nice but makes me feel lost abit. Nevermind I found him but wow the new map is huge! Are the weapons like the blesser still out around the map I can pick up? And abit of a bug I went up against a Chestromancer in a tall grass this is for the free version 6.1 I was blown by an invisible force outside of the arena and could only move around the circumference of the area all I could do was let myself lose as I had no rage option

I am sorry maybe I wasn't clear. I was curious if real magic existed within the game world of Deeper Club you created as I like exploring world building questions like that. Since this Gloomy statue places a curse on Melo that allows him to basically cheat death that would imply real magic does exist. I'm not sure why you brought up the real world for as I was only asking about the game you made.

Well I found out how to do it I just have to right click and press copy as path on the picture I want to use or click then press control shift c for the same thing then delete the "" on each end and it works sorry if what I typed is confusing just trying to explain it best I can. Wonder what new additions will be put in as you update though?

I wish to ask Kalnareff since the black gloomy statue cursed Melo to basically not die does that mean magic exists in the world? And if so could we see other mythical creatures like a fluffy carbuncle?

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Kinda wish there was an endings guide so I could more easily get other endings it'd hard to remember what I have and have not tried saying as Jacob asks random questions I think each time. Still it's clear his not right in the head I'm not sure what happened to him but he clearly seeks his own justice due to it. And he should be glad he tied me up I'd have a hard time not wanting to pet his wooly head. Also is Joss a boy or girl?

So it's something that could happen then? Okay neat to see how that goes I only wondered as in some worlds with humans and anthros when a anthro and human have kids they are a hybrid so since Deeper club has both I wondered if such hybrids could exist. And thanks for responding so fast I feel I have to wait a day at least or more for replys. Hope you're having a nice day good luck on updating the game can't wait to see more.

Okay thanks for that info. Can I ask Kalnareff is it possible half human animal hybrids could exist in the world of Deeper club like a human with cat ears tail and animal like lower limbs? I'm mostly wondering out of curiosity thanks and I hope you can make the game better as you go.

Thanks for telling me that I just wanted to make sure I didn't waste my money granted it was only a dollar but since there were no comments till I made one I had nothing to go off of save going in blind if you will. And can I ask who the unseen character speaking is? But either way if yo do add more it would be nice. I'm just sad no one else has made a comment till I did the day before. 

Is there any better ending? I went and chose each dialouge option possible and Seryozhka either shoots you if you pick violence, sucks you off then questions if you're human before going to bed, or he goes back to his room and begs you to think of him before he vanishes and the scenario "crashes" If all I've seen is all there will be then I'm sorry but I'm abit disapointed not to sound mean.

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Can I ask how I delete a save I made? And where are they stored at please? Also what do the blue colored days of the week for each family member mean as the tutorial doesn't cover that. Also when doing the DDR normal difficulty against Casey it seemed like the imputs were not working even when I pressed them it didn't matter in the end but it was still odd

I don't mean to make a double post but how do I keep from getting too aroused when tutored by Syd? I called him on Wednesday night  made sure Melo's arousal stat was 0 but while the tutor event was going on the arousal stat ended up at 100 getting me detention anyway is this just sadly a random chance to happen?

I haven't messed wiht any of that I got 6.0 and started a brand new file none of the scaling has been changed the other person who responded told me to try doging to fix the issue I'll try that and see what happens

Okay I can try that when I fought the Giant rat in the sewer I noticed I could only grow so much till it just wouldn't work I could get AP but not grow more and I only beat the rat due to him killing Alexander then for some reason he just stood there. I'm hoping the game is still okay so far it feels to me that there's just more bugs or problems each release. And I guess there's nothing I can do about the auto controller inputs? As I said the u d pad opens a menu as well as use for an ability

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I just want to say I haven't played in awhile but I just want to get a few things confirmed is Meli Melo's friend or brother? I got to the club and Melo keeps refering to him as a friend. Okay sorry to edit but I read through the comments and saw this was answered I hope you can continue t make the game as you want and not have to have people pressure you into changing it more. But having Meli be Melo's brother felt more impactful to me I wish you luck on making the game best it can be.

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Is there any way to stop the game using controller? I only ask as the up d pd also seems to toggle a menu and it's anoying to try using a bound skill to that button. Also can I get an idea on what enemies could drop some of the new weapons? I already got two corroded swords from venturing in the sewer And is it normal in 6.0 for our character's run animation to look stiff? I compared my character to Alexander and when he runs it looks fine but mine doesn't and it kinda bugs me abit. And when fighting the Giant rat on the overworld I can't grow during the fight at all and end up killed

Oh I'm abit sad to hear that but I guess not much I can do save try to find some mp3 from a game that's similar I guess. What genre would the music used be?

Can I have easy instructions on how to load a local file for the cum picture please? I only ask as I'm not sure how to do it.

Kemopop! community · Created a new topic Game music

I happen to like the catchy music that plays in the game is there a way I could have it as an mp3? Or could I just somehow get it form the game itself after i buy it?

I don't want to spam but could I have any help getting Ravis to cock vore the character's? I know it's a secret but any help would be nice please

So should I start over again since as I said subtracting points from an upgrade ends up with less after for instance I had enough to get the solar ATV module but I took the points back and had only 300 or so can't give the exact number. Point is it seems when it comes to the upgrades you need to be sure what you want apparently other wise this happens. Are you sure you get no points for 0 levle signals? That's what you have to start off wiht since it takes 50 points to go to level 1.

So what should I get when it comes to upgrades then? I sadly found out taking away points in upgrade apparently "steals" some points off I know I'd like to have sensor speed and make the cool down less as possible but dr.Bao wants me to give 3 drives with 0 level signals and unless I use up my points to make the scanner better I'm not going to get anywhere so far I've been taking and putting points into upgrades as I need them but again that's how i found out you end up losing some so I"m not sure what to do

So should I try to get Kerfur as soon as I can? I haven't upgraded my proccess level at all yet I guess I should do that but I still need to clean the base too

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Okay thanks I'll see about that I just wanted Kerfur first so I could focus on signals and fixing any radars servers. Should I wait to get him or go ahead and buy one when I can?

Yeah thanks to you both I knew about selling trash and the fire extinguishers but I'm not sure what to do once I run out of trash to sell save maybe buy the wood chipper the but either wooden Platte or curtains but from what I've seen both are expensive but I'd like to get upgrades too having the scanner move slow and the ping cooldown is rough. If there's anything else I could do let me know

Hi I don't want to bother but I'm wanting to try getting enough points to buy Kerfus but I'm having a hard time doing so as I have to juggle everything what upgrades or methods should I do to maximize my point gain?

Oh I see sorry to hear that I hope the game can be made better as it goes. I was hoping bosses would be in the game as I grew up playing sonic games and boss battles were common in them but if you can't do it it's okay having more customization options and levels to run through should be just as fun. I honestly was surprised you got the game past the public beta phase good luck making your game better as you can.

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Not played a horde game like this but I found out about it from a video on youtube. I'll admit for me it's sad there's not good ending for this at all even though it's clear the Mother of many is not good in any way she clearly taunts and belittles you for every attempt and it's also clear this won't stop till she's dead. But I guess that's not going to happen which makes me sad more so as I wanted to see this end the plot makes me feel bad for this mouse family. If anything I'd want to hug the sister before I had to kill her. Also how am I to win? I think the possessed  sister can be damaged as I see damage numbers but the vermin end up killing me every time so I can't say if the is an ending

Well this post you're replying to was made back when it was the public beta. But so far I played every level in the new update and like it so far but there are a few things I'd like. 1 if we're going to be collecting those yellow gems to buy things it'd be nice to have something like the magnet shield to help us collect them. 2 it's be nice to be able to allow us to change the sensitivity of the right stick if controller/mouse as sometimes it feels like you can't change the camera fast enough. 3 it's nice we can make Sapphire's breasts bigger but could we change them more and could you allow us to toggle having her butt jiggle too? 4 you mention in the trailer or description we could make her unique to us so why not allow us to change her more like body color, eye color maybe different ears or tail or change if she has the holographic parts or not. 5 I don't want to bother but could we also toggle her original skin from the beta on or off? I only ask as she did look nice then too. 6 Was it mentioned there would be boss battles at all or is it just running through stages? 7 Since we can fight enemies could we have some form of targeting to lock onto them making it easier to fight? 8 Going off of fighting enemies could there be more than one frame to using the weapons like a combo of light and heavy? 9 It'd be nice to be able to hide the main menu and title so we could enjoy her dancing if we want. 10 Since the magazines are sadly abit hard to find could we get some device to help us locate them in the levels? I know they are just a collectible but it'd be nice. 11 could we get the music somehow it's nice to listen to. I guess I'll leave it at this for now if I think of more I'll post it I hope this isn't asking too much from you

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How am I supposed to beat Casie when she can take off a lot of my health and I have no way to heal? Can I also have a hint as to getting Ravis to cock vore me please? I just want to experience all the game has.

I'm trying to play through 5.8 the last free version and I am finding it hard to do anything I want to unlock the giant rat to help me level up but he's hard I guess I can use Barrel master for now but I feel like I can't get anything done. Also I know it's minor but the walk and run animations don't look right anymore is it fixed in the next version?

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Can I have a list of controls to resize the game? I only ask as I'm not sure how and once I'm viewing the encyclopedia for enimes I'm not sure how to exit it sadly. Also how do I quit the game as I'm not sure how to. And not to complain but how are you supposed to beat the cat girl when the fairy only heals you when she feels like it? Someone already said but once she grabs any secondary character you get soft locked and can no longer fight back once she throws you. And I'm not sure how to feel about the fact you have to use the mouse to interact with things

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Not sure if it's a bug but when Kar wanted me to spray her I tried using my scroll wheel and nothing happened. So not sure what's going on there I'd like to see what the tutorial teaches but hard to when you can't pass a certain part Well I did get it to work but had to use my mouse the game wasn't registering my x box controllter as a scroll wheel for some reason. Using joy2key works fine playing the game though

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I have to admit the story is well done I so far chose the decision to refuse to the sexual scene ZX5 offers but I got to learn more of him in doing so. I do love the music and would like to download it for listening maybe I can get it from Minipaquin's sound cloud? And if not could I maybe get an idea where I could get the mp3's from? And I did find ZX5 and other AI interesting I'd love to see more and maybe find out why ZX5 is able to be free as a "rouge" Ai unlike the others wonder if they could be freed too?

Okay what do I do if the cute skunk dies? I know I can pick up the body but how do I restart?

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So he is illegal to have due to him being self aware and if I'm right he is able to see us and talk back to us as well? Wow no wonder he doesn't want to be thrown out again he's been rejected so much it has scarred him. I mean I'd love having a Tamagotchi that can really talk to me like a real person does I just wish e could do more with Bo aside from hear him talk but we'll sadly have to wait and see if more updates come. I do wish I could see all the text Bo has just so I could easily try to piece together what's going on. That and as I said what he says in game is random sadly so you have to keep pressing the interaction button till something  you want comes up