Thanks for playing, I'm glad you liked it! This feedback is all super useful, there are some things in here I knew about before shipping and some things that definitely slipped my mind. In particular,
- I suspected performance might become a problem, but I only have my own computer to test on, so hearing from other people is very useful. The fire area in particular has a heat shimmer effect that's probably a bit too much. I'll have to set up some graphical setting presets at some point.
- For the cameras, I was experimenting with a new way of handling cameras this time around, it ended up being a lot of individual camera fine tuning and never quite got to where I was happy with it, but having the camera zoom out for certain sections is a good idea, I'll add that to my list.
For SMVM I'll probably be scrapping the current level design and just focus on polishing up one area, but I'm glad to hear that you liked the general flow and the way you weren't really restricted in how you could approach it, those were all intentional decisions which I'll carry forward into upcoming levels. I'll also be reevaluating boss difficulty at that point, which is always tricky. Originally the first boss was so easy just because the player has really only learned to jump and shoot at that point and I didn't want it to be a bottleneck, but with a more polished area before the boss I can teach the player more mechanics and potential attack patterns before they even get to the boss.
Again, thanks for playing and for the feedback!