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(1 edit) (+1)

Very fun little point and click game! I love point and click games and this surreal game reminds me a lot of Manhole which I spent hours on as a kid~ Very well done.

Main complaints would be in some of the later screen it's not too clear what's walkable and what isn't, being very surreal at that point it might be intentional. I also found the puzzles to take a little too long, the water puzzle seemed to take much too long to empty out, and the underlined poem was a bit confusing of what I was supposed to be doing. I think some sound effects could have helped drive what was correct steps for that one. And I also was not able to find the heart at the end, but overall I love the surreal feel of the game and think it fits really well beside titles of the time :)

Edit: I woulda also loved some way to quickly swap between look and grab, like with right click or scroll wheel.


Thank you very much!! :) The heart is in the bedroom which is to the right of the living room (the room with the bookshelf - just walk to the edge of the screen). When the jam will be over, I'll update the game so it goes right into the bedroom after the 1st scene, and it will be more clear that you can walk. Hopefully I'll be able to add mouse control instead of the arrows, eventual ly. And maybe the time will come when I can add sound effects - it was just too much to do in 2 weeks ;) 

Yeah, the surreal feel was intentional :)