Such a strong and detailed ideation plan! This is my first game jam, and I feel like I better understand the different elements of a good ideation stage through looking through your document. It's really clear where you've done some productive brainstorming as a team; your art direction seems confident and considered; mechanics and gameplay loop are appropriate in scope and explained with clarity; and a precise production plan that keeps in mind the likelihood of flexibility being needed. Big pat on the back/s 😊
In terms of the actual game, it sounds interesting. Having three default actions with three combos seems like it'd give a good range of ways for the player to interact with the map, while managing human and animal populations sounds like a good amount of variation and challenge for replays. The idea of records being tracked to show progress in the face of failure appeals to me.
Thematically, it works well. I like how the framing of economic battleground gives space for a variety of competing agencies that the player must manage. One potential reflection point would be that, personally, I think the message might be stronger if it was grounded in specificity. For example, could basing it on an ecosystem close to your hearts help ground your World Events Phase in a realism that would also adds coherency to the events (what the symptoms of climate change are; who the exploiters/opportunists are; how environmentalists respond, etc)? I might be preaching to the choir here, since there's references to indigenous communities in the doc! Another point for reflection that you might have already discussed: public opinion by itself (which has been broadly positive towards environmentalism for decades) tends not to lead to any change in climate policy due to the relationship between exploitative industry (fossil capital in particular) and politicians. Where change does happen it's due to action that threatens that power/relationship rather than opinion, so focusing on the former would be more salient. I hope this paragraph made sense and doesn't sound nitpicky!
Best wishes with the rest of the jam, I'm looking forward to seeing more!