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I'm on windows, FYI

Bug one: When loading a save that occurs in the kitchen, unless one rewinds(this fixes the problem) the background instead appears as the bedroom

Bug two: the save system sometimes lags a little and requires a couple tries/clicks to actually save. Also not really a bug but I feel the save's display is a little small, even in full screen. 

That first one is an old bug with the Naninovel software >.< With any luck, things like that won’t happen when I restart the project from scratch in a newer version of Nani :3 (I know it's in the current version of Nani that I'm using now, sadly! I'm 1 version behind the most recent release though, so I'm really hoping that it's been fixed now cos it's a bug that's been annoying me for over a year x3)

Tbh, the second thing is probably also an old Naninovel bug, haha. As far as I’m aware, it doesn’t happen in the more current versions of the software :3 Or at least, I haven’t encountered it while testing more recent projects! So again, with any luck, that should resolve itself when updating the software. There's literally nothing I can do about stuff like that though because I can't mess with the code for Nani's save/load system.

And I totally agree about the save display (and other UI elements too really) being a little small! The default UI display in Nani has always been inexplicably tiny >.< At the time, I did my best to make a custom version of it, but I was still working from a copy of the default Nani stuff. I do have more experience nowadays with editing Unity GUI and creating custom UIs though, so I’ve been able to improve that a little in some of my more recent projects :3

I’ve still got a lot to learn when it comes to messing around with changing UI though and it’s an absolute nightmare, haha. I’ll definitely be able to make DD’s UI bigger once I’m working on the project again though.

Cheers again + I hope you have a great week ahead :3