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The overall presentation is pretty cool, I liked the use of sound effects, and the die rolling sounds plus showing the rolls helped me understand what was going on each choice. You also show what stat roll the buttons will use, this is a great bit of info to aid in strategy or playing smart, without revealing the actual outcomes. Very nice!

I wish we had a better chance to start out, maybe starting with a 2 or 3 of each stat might feel better. After a few plays I ended up just restarting if my stats went negative early on, as there doesn't seem to be a way to recover if the first rolls go south. I think the stats are good at adding tension, but they feel a bit off for actually playing this out.

I liked that we don't always have the stats to "risk a stat to do the thing" every time. That was good at capturing the feeling of weakness/pressure that the story has.

I found several paths that would give a stat boost for choosing to not engage and instead rest or refocus on the main mission. I'd love to see more of this. The current version has many of the neutral options also not do anything to the stats. I feel a bit robbed each time that happens, because I chose to "rest" or "focus only on my objective" but it wasn't reflected in the stats.

I also had a rough time visually on a horizontally wide monitor. It would be a good idea to limit the pixel width of the text display area, to avoid displaying long wide text that causes reader fatigue. Bonus points on the text size options, it's a good start!

The writing was rather good at capturing the mood and feeling of the game. Overall, I really enjoyed this one. Thanks for making it!

There also are a few routes where the scenario can get stuck or seemingly goes back to the menu. One playthrough I found the camp with 3 people, saved the villager, got the amulet, then the game pulled up the investigation with 3 dead people and I found a second amulet. The double amulet run then dealt with the cat and the game promptly just sent me to the main menu even though I succeeded at the bold option there. I'm guessing something overflowed or some state broke along the way, because most of the other times the game was pretty good at keeping track of time/events up the mountain.

I've also had a couple times dying to the final fight and instead of an ending the text just is blank, and the only option is the main menu. These were lost rolls so I assume the text would be similar to the "bad endings" of the fight, but it's a bit jarring to just roll and be told "go back to the menu" without explanation. I guess I rolled so badly the game master left in disgust, lol.

Oh dear, double amulets should not be possible. It must be an error in the script, possibly a root cause to the other problem. Thanks for the bug report!

Thanks for the comment about the size too. My intention was that it would be played on phones, and when I ran it in my browser, I just narrowed up the window. I thought about adding more robust sizing support, but that seemed out of scope for a jam project. You’re right that it’s awfully awkward to play wide.

I just pushed up version 1.0.2, which includes two significant updates:

  • The game doesn’t crash after boldly encountering the beast at the peak ascent.

  • Each attribute now starts at +1 instead of 0.

Thanks for your feedback!