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No, not really, should I ?

I just tried to launch the exe from the extracted archive for the game first, but it didnt work, so I tried to download the version of unity you talked about, thinking it was probably what was causing the bug, and it did work, for exactly one time.

I guess, I'm just really confused sorry, should I try to launch through the Unity Editor somehow ? Is there something really obvious I am not doing ? I am not your kind of tech oriented guy... Sorry

No, running the executable after extracting the archive is fine, that's why I was confused about the Unity thing, it's not necessary just to run the game. If you're just getting a black screen on startup there might be an error of some kind but I'm not sure what would be happening that early, especially on a fresh download.

Can you upload the output_log.txt file contained in the game's save folder somewhere so I can check it for any errors? On Windows it's in the folder C:\Users\(your username)\AppData\LocalLow\Lazy Dog Software\LCS. You might need to enable viewing hidden files to see the AppData folder

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Sure ! Here it is, I just took a look at it and it seems a lot of resources are missing, as if the game can't find the resources... Is that it ?

it's on my drive, tell me if it works

Back up link JIC

I just realized why it might have worked the first time, I installed it on my external drive, but I frequently unplug it. I might have unplugged between the trial run and when I wanted to start it a second time. Some of my programs have a hard time getting used to that Again aside from this, I see no reason of why it didn't work.

This is an odd one - it's hard to tell if it has anything to do with the external drive being disconnected or not, so long as all the files are in the same location they shouldn't have any issues. It seems like this kind of error can happen if a file gets corrupted; maybe try deleting the folder and downloading a fresh install?

Alright, I know at least what CAUSES the game to do this : it's when I start a new game, and then click on EXIT in the game. If I try to relaunch the game after that, it just show me a black screen. I tried to delete the Sav.Dat folder in the Lazy Dog software to see if it would magically rework again with no save, but no luck either. Everything was installed on a fresh download as well. I installed everything on the C: drive and didn't try anything fancy. 

It did work on first launch, and as long as I didn't start a game, the menu would show up. But after that, doesn't seem to work anymore.

The new output file is here :

PS : sorry for making you wait !

The file you linked there is giving me an access error, I think you need to make it public. I'm still not really sure how you're getting the issue you're having - I can't reproduce it at all.

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Hey, I made the second log access public, sorry about that.

that is indeed really, really weird. There's a good chance I'm just making something stupid without realizing it, but I have no idea of what it could be, I tried to run it as administrator too, but it just seems that even with a fresh install, there's resource packages missing.

I'm trying to do it on a brand new machine, I'll see if it fixes any issues I seem to have.

EDIT : right now the fresh install on a new machine (as expected) do work. It must be a hardware issue.

Thanks for the help anyway !