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(2 edits)

Hey, I made the second log access public, sorry about that.

that is indeed really, really weird. There's a good chance I'm just making something stupid without realizing it, but I have no idea of what it could be, I tried to run it as administrator too, but it just seems that even with a fresh install, there's resource packages missing.

I'm trying to do it on a brand new machine, I'll see if it fixes any issues I seem to have.

EDIT : right now the fresh install on a new machine (as expected) do work. It must be a hardware issue.

Thanks for the help anyway !

Alright, I know at least what CAUSES the game to do this : it's when I start a new game, and then click on EXIT in the game. If I try to relaunch the game after that, it just show me a black screen. I tried to delete the Sav.Dat folder in the Lazy Dog software to see if it would magically rework again with no save, but no luck either. Everything was installed on a fresh download as well. I installed everything on the C: drive and didn't try anything fancy. 

It did work on first launch, and as long as I didn't start a game, the menu would show up. But after that, doesn't seem to work anymore.

The new output file is here :

PS : sorry for making you wait !

(1 edit)

Sure ! Here it is, I just took a look at it and it seems a lot of resources are missing, as if the game can't find the resources... Is that it ?

it's on my drive, tell me if it works

Back up link JIC

I just realized why it might have worked the first time, I installed it on my external drive, but I frequently unplug it. I might have unplugged between the trial run and when I wanted to start it a second time. Some of my programs have a hard time getting used to that Again aside from this, I see no reason of why it didn't work.

No, not really, should I ?

I just tried to launch the exe from the extracted archive for the game first, but it didnt work, so I tried to download the version of unity you talked about, thinking it was probably what was causing the bug, and it did work, for exactly one time.

I guess, I'm just really confused sorry, should I try to launch through the Unity Editor somehow ? Is there something really obvious I am not doing ? I am not your kind of tech oriented guy... Sorry

Been trying twice now to getting it to work, downloaded the old version of unity and everything, it worked exactly once in a trial run, and when I wanted to start it two hours later, it just gives me a black screen with border when I launch it. I have no idea what caused this, tried to re-install the version of unity you said and everything, but it just doesn't work. I have everything installed on my external disk, but that's the only thing I can think of. A shame...