Really cool game. Sucks that Stage 2 is bugged and has the Player win and lose during it, I couldn't do anything in Stage 2. Really sucks that I couldn't see the rest of the content because of that and I hope the Programmer can update that so everyone can play the entire game. I do find that the game is a bit on the harder end. I would like some sort of healing mechanic because it's pretty tough to dodge the amount of bullets on screen at the same time. Plus, the bullets sort of track the Player camera or has some strange math behind their tracking which follows the player and is a bit confusing. Also, I wish the drop rate for Extinguishers were a bit higher, maybe implement a pity drop style, were if one hasn't dropped in say 2 or 3 enemies, it auto drops. Say if the drop rate was 33% per enemy killed, so by the 3rd enemy, it auto drops. While I like the overall music for the game, I feel that parts of the beat repeat itself a bit too much early on. Personally, the higher pitch affects me a bit. While I really love the word-play of Firefighters fighting you with Fire, I don't feel that it entirely fits that the Player also uses fire or that the Firefighters would have Fire Extinguishers. If the Player used a different element, it might make more sense for crazy Firefighters that want to burn the world. Or maybe the Player can absorb the "fire essence" from the enemies to put out their fires. Or if the Player can stand in the fire spots and absorb it for health or power to put out the hot spots. I know that's a lot but I really did enjoy it and know you guys did a wonderful job.