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(1 edit) (+1)

Took a couple tries but I got all four endings, thanks fkchaud for mentioning the two I didn't get the first time (and for mentioning how to keep the wizard alive).

I encountered a couple minor bugs:

  • If I use the Gods Bile on the fire first, then the hair and the angel blood, the game becomes stuck. I can't use the fire, my inventory is inaccessible, the only possibilities are to load an earlier save or start a new game. Edit: OK, not completely stuck, I can still leave the screen and then come back and use the fire and it works after coming back. But without leaving first, the fire gives a "You can't use that" message.
  • After a while the close-up view of the conception no longer updates graphically. I have to exit the close-up view and then look at the conception in my inventory to see which side is active.