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Hey man, thanks for the review. I'm glad you like it. 

It's nice to get some good feedback :)

About the laggyness, I have not encountered any issues on my end and I have tested on some lower end devices, and your PC is definitely High-end, so it should run without issue.
There might be some memory leak happening which start showing after long playing sessions, which is certainly worth investigating.

The game is also still in development, sadly not major development because this is a solo project, but I am looking for funding so hopefully that changes in the future :)

In the demo there is indeed only 1 villager.
It's basically a vertical slice to showcase the gameplay.

The combat system and enemy AI is definitely still a work in progress.
Striking a balance between difficulty and rewarding/enjoyable gameplay is certainly an artform in itself.

I have made some improvements in the mean while because I also feel it's difficult too recover once you get locked in some kind of group attack.
For example I added a global cooldown between attacks for all enemies and the responsiveness off the player animations have also been improved.

The spider's logic right now is just shooting webbing balls untill you are webbed, and only then do they start shooting venom balls.
But it's indeed not a bad idea to make the web slow you down.

Concerning the blessings, it is indeed 3 at best but ye it's also just 1 demo level and it doesn't paint the entire picture.
The same thing goes for the check point gates. It is a feature for the higher levels but it's just there for testing.

I've actually not thaught about the fact that a keyboard might not have a numpad xD
But it's indeed more for additional input support because a controller is the recommended way of playing.

Anyway thanks for your support and I'm gonna take your notes into consideration.

I might also release a new update with the previously mentioned tweaks.
I've mainly been working on future content and refactoring the entire codebase which was overdue ^^