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Im kinda confused this is the GxB  wherein Kuro is male? im so sorry to ask I dont mean to offend, but am I the one in the teaser pictures or is it kuro? the character looks like a girl or he is just long haired?


is it the mage route or detective route? i'm pretty sure on the mage route kuro's hair is long


Yup, Kuro is male :3 And no worries at all! I know the sprites are a little odd in this, haha. I like androgynous-looking characters anyhow, but because this was my first-ever game, I didn’t have much choice but to use what I could find >.< 

Basically, I couldn’t find a single sprite set from any artist that contained enough sprites to cover all the different worlds I hoped to portray in the project (my own dumb fault for trying to make such a long story for my first game >.<), but I did come across a sprite generator with a looooot of customisation options, enough to cover what I needed. I pretty much had no choice but to use it, haha.

I made every character sprite using the generator. It was cool because it had a wide range of hair pieces to combine to create different hairstyles, and also a decent number of clothing options, but it was lacking in the style of the eyes + the body models >.<

All the ones at the top of the page where it says “Choose your heroine. Choose your fate…” Then some pictures of heads with the captions of: “The Student, The Mage, The Princess, The Detective, The Gamer, and ???” are headshots of the heroine/MC/protagonist.

All the headshots below where it says “Your guardian spirit, Kuro, takes many forms…” are headshots of the different versions of Kuro from the different world routes in the same order as the headshots for MC are listed :3

So blue-haired Kuro = student route Kuro, green = mage route, yellow = clan princess route, magenta = detective route, purple = gamer route, and ??? = the hidden route.

Despite the fairly feminine appearance of Kuro, the voice acting actually matches the sprites really well :3

But yeah, Kuro is definitely a guy, but he does have long hair in a couple of the world routes, haha. Longest hair = mage route Kuro cos it’s down past his butt! x3

The most masculine-looking one is actually in the hidden route, haha.

I do hope to remake this someday since it was my first game and I have a lot more knowledge + use a different engine now, but it’s not a priority. Just something that would be really nice to eventually do when I’ve finished some of the projects I’ve currently got on the go.

Thanks for your interest in the game :3