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That is also my point of view!

I love Chasing Sunsets.
If you want to see the full Chasing Sunset x Summer Scent cross over, you will have to play a path including romancing Eve. That will open some scenes you might like!

Working that route now.  I like when authors do cross overs, it leads me to other great VNs.  As for yours, I gotta say the Cassie path is ... interesting.  Looking forward to finding out what Kelly is into.

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Well, whatever path you're on, in the end, it's about love and how the characters express it. Sometime it can be... surprising...

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So in other words, you're a hopeless romantic.  I heartily approve of not yucking someome's yum.  Sail on, Captain!

I am, indeed. And I kind of hope that we all are, to some degree. Why would we play these games if we weren't?