Curious. If some of the character have Corrupted/Red Paths, what would be your "ideal" red path for them and which characters do you have in mind? As far as I know, Logan has the most infamous one of all. Then there's the Lizards, though I haven't tried that path yet honestly. Gunnar has one but it's a main quest thing I think so it doesn't only affect him?
But anyway.
Bernard: I know people have been wanting him to either show dominance or even be a sub lol from what I see from twitter/X. But personally, I kinda want him to... cuck us. This game really has a lot of fetishes covered and seeing as uh, cuckolding hasn't appeared yet, I think a Red Path/Corrupted Bernard would fit.
And since he is also sort of like the "Main" love interest for our character, even though this is more of a polygamist society, us corrupting him to lower his sexual purity and fuck someone else while we watch would be hot. Specifically, Red Path Logan. See? It's all connecting lol. It'd be a sort of vengeance on us for Logan for letting him get fucked in the Bandit Camp. Red Path Bernard wouldn't call us "Love" anymore though, and we'd see him go a slight bit arrogant but not too much.
Everett: Okay, we've got a glimpse of good ol' Santa getting it with his soldiers in a non-canon event. But how about a Red Path for him where this time, there's no memory wiping involved. He'd be exposed to Northcrest for being a slut and even give in to being the Army's Bitch. I still think he should keep his title but he'd loosen his seriousness in a Red Path. Like when we visit him in his camp, we'd see him bouncing on a soldier's cock instead of a dildo. Or maybe when we visit the Barracks, sometimes we'd see him get passed around during the guards' card night.
Hell maybe even see him sometimes on the battlefield giving in to the red orcs and gryphons so openly.
I couldn't think of anyone else more honestly, I swear I had a lot in my mind before writing this but... meh. They're gone from my brain.