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Hi MrKraven! Thank you for the feedback. The custom mouse cursors are slightly off, particularly the index finger press I will be tweaking this today that should fix a lot of the key clicking, however you can use your own keyboard to play the game for the time being if you like :)

Its very strange disorder was not recognising those words, I will investigate that today also, do you happen to have the latest build installed? or are you possibly playing on an older build?

Thanks MrKraven I hope to have the game running smoothly for you very soon.


Hey there! I downloaded and installed whichever version was uploaded 14 hours ago. And good to know about being able to use your own keyboard, I should have tried that!

Ok, thanks mate, I have tweaked the cursors now, however I am really unsure why those words did not fire for you as they are set in the array and they are firing on my end. I'll keep digging haha cheers!