Dude that word count, hahahah. This word count may deter some players. But at the end of the day, this novel is an intelligent and thoughtful piece of fan fiction. The word count was well used.
- The biggest (but only) flaw is that there are lots of typos and grammatical mistakes, so much that it was often hard to read and understand... It should go without saying but a novel with such protruding flaws is... Well you know.
- This issue wasn't big enough to fully get in the way of enjoying the storytelling though. The writing is just exceptionally good.
The characters are all so nuanced, and Reimu's inner thinking is so in-depth, one could almost feel her mind.
The story, the dialogues, the choices are all amazingly told. It's an excellent mix of entertaining and serious, in a way that feels very relatable and almost real.
My favourite part in this is certainly how the game plays off typical tropes. I have never ever read such a big subversion fest before. Like, "reverse dating sim" ijbol. And of course it's with girls who fit the typical archetypes. Like, what have we here... The klutzy secret admirer, the business partner with more than professional interest, the overly hardworking and collected housewife material, the childhood friend rizzlady, and your Bollywood mom who's arranged your marriage. Have we missed any one here?
-The title screen and backgrounds look really good. I like the way the backgrounds are used and shown. It's simple but it's good enough to set the mood.
- The music was much enjoyable during the reading, the number of arranges in there is impressive.
- Loving how the songs even fit the characters. Klutz Sana's theme is just perfect. But my favourite song is the True Ending's theme. The original is one of my favourite Reimu themes already!
All in all, a very good read full of insight and maturity, even if I didn't really think I'd get reading for 2 hours and a half. Kudos to everyone on the team.
What do you mean "Don't sweat this kind of small details". Do you mean that when two girls kiss -