I can't tell if this is a bug or I just need to get good, but during the factory segment of the demo, Circus Baby gets really REALLY aggressive as the night goes on, to a point where she goes from position 0 (She's in the back with eyes closed) to instant jumpscare (aka position 5).
Edit: I don't know if you're open to suggestions or not, but one way to make the factory night slightly easier is if the monitor didn't reset on it's progress. Like, say the player was 75% done on one task but had to worry about Ballora being close or Baby being in postion 3 or 4, it is highly likely the player will prioritize the animatronics over finishing the task, by having the tasks not reset and put on pause, it'll give the player a better chance at reacting rather than risking it to finish the task in one go. Plus, it wouldn't change the difficulty of the animatronics, but it will give the player more of a fighting chance, especially with Baby being a pain.