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hold up... $35 to get the full release? you are absolutely insane. $20 bucks tops for any H-game, anything over I'll just dig up a free version. You are shooting yourself in the foot with that absurd price; Cheaper games get much more sales while higher prices make people pirate them instead.


It's only to be fair to the patreon system. The price will go down each week as the patreon tier releases. I know piracy is a thing and I know ppl who can't afford it will pirate the game and that's more than fine. The people who supports me in a monetary way doesn't pay to buy something, but to ensure I can keep making games. For those who can't pay, the price will go lower, and eventually it will come out free, or probably pirated before that. I respect piracy. But yeah, if everyone pirates the game, and no one supports me, I'll have to go drive a car or something to feed my family.