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oooh makes sense

can you actually tell them I'm trying to send them a friend request? Then like whenever they're online to see it which is probably gonna be a while I think but yeah you get it tell them it's important. To me. I mean in the grand scheme of things it's not really important important, but to me it is.

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just an fyi i haven’t talked to them in like a year. so don’t expect much

Eh worth a shot


wow I'm both

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live laugh love taeju 

so update on crow!



well! i think u got ur answer! 😄😄



They probably blocked me too ngl or they will. Idk they haven't accepted or denied my friend request

Tbh I was kinda mean to Crow when they stopped replying to me I was a very different person and tbf I thought they hated me so


honestly, i expected this type of response 🤣🤣-, coming from them, i shouldn’t have expected anything less

i think they’ve flat out ghosted everybody from itch, probably to move on which is fine. but, it’d be better if they just said: “yeah i really don’t think i wanna talk to u guys” but it’s okay! it just proves how people are 😁

no bc that's very specifically what I was angry about when I first blocked them, I was angry that they just ghosted me.

Like if they blocked me then like okay guess they don't wanna talk to me anymore that's fine if they told me straight up "I don't like you please shut up" okay at least I have a reason

But GHOSTING is the absolute worst way to stop talking to someone, cause then they don't have any explanation for what you did. It could be anything between "they don't wanna talk to you anymore" and "they're dead" like ANYTHING could be happening on the other end. It's like "wtf man"

Like at least give me the dignity of a block. Am I that unimportant to you that you don't even care to so much as block me? Do you really care that little about my existence as a person? Okay, fuck you then.

If you have a reason "I was busy" "I didn't have the energy for human interaction that day" "I swear I thought I replied" (I've been there before, no one believes that excuse, but it's true, I genuinely reply in my head then forget I didn't actually physically reply) just ANYTHING nice to explain why you've ghosted someone, then like... okay, sure, I can forgive you. But if you're just like "I don't wanna play with you anymore" and you've just decided to ghost them forever then actually what the fuck.

Cause I thought we were friends, and like if you wanna move on, sure, but at least tell me or block me or do SOMETHING

Cause ghosting just tells the other person that you don't even care. Like they're just some toy you can play with, get bored of, then throw away. It's a shit thing to do. It just leaves the other person miserable, they don't know anything about what's going on over there other than that you're ignoring them and it just feels bad.

You can't even get mad because what if they have a reason what if they're dealing with something right now what if what if what if

You can't be upset because then YOU'RE the asshole. It just sucks.

never said it better! either way, it’s their lost; not ours. of course, this just proves their level of maturity towards conversations and how they interact. i was personally expecting them to just, read the message and not reply like always, but, blocking gives me the bright answer. most people are good at shit talking, but hate when it comes to confrontations! 

that’s why when you first ask for their discord i was honestly wary, because i KNOW how they are when it comes to these thing. but, as you said, it never hurts to try. i haven’t spoken to them in about a year from now, and honestly i haven’t been wanting to reach out to them cuz..i just…dddont…and i have the reason of being busy. they are too; and i totally get that! but its funny how when somebody ghosts them they go crazy 🤨🤨💭💭…

but again, that’s just how people are 😄

People are shit.

Oh well, I guess I'll just find some other way to deal with what I wanted to ask Crow.