It is certainly a fun trope to explore, haha. I feel like there’s not really enough of it in games x3 I remember back when I played Dragon Age Origins, I downloaded a mod that let you romance Loghain xD I wish it had been a real romance option in the base game though! The guy was a fun enemy to have, haha.
I’ve always had a soft spot for villains & antagonists in all kinds of fictional media x3 If they can be romanced somehow, even better :D
Hehe, you should check out some Fire Emblem stuff cos it’s awesome :P I still haven’t played the most recent one cos I’ve been too busy doing game jams >.< but I plan to at some point!
As a player, I still haven’t found the perfect game for me that gets the balance of story & romance just right x3 There’s always too much or too little, haha. I prefer stuff like Mass Effect and Dragon Age though where you can pursue a romance alongside the main story! As much as I love visual novels, the ones aimed at women seem to focus waaaay too much on romance for my tastes, and then it feels like the actual overall story just falls by the wayside >.< I think that’s why I fell out of love with the otome genre despite being a superfan for many years!
Glad you had fun with this anyhow ^-^ Thanks so much for checking it out & taking the time to comment!
Tbh, I can’t actually remember what I said in rambles x3 My memory is awful, haha.