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Hilarious game and love the concept. Very tough but fun. The background music is awesome and I would love to sit and listen to the entire song and more songs from the composer. I think the audio for draining people is a little loud and can be tweaked a little. I think adding a couple more inputs would be helpful, it can be a bit tough to hit E while trying to move at the same time. Adding right click or space to drain or dash could help with that. 

(1 edit) (+1)

Thanks for the review! The background music was actually generated in a service called Suno. The prompts are:

1) City music: "Dark alternative rock opera. poetic-opera, gothic-symphonic-rock-violin, dark-omnious cabaret-duet, drama-opera-gothic-metal-step"
2) Dialogue music: "a synthwave that gives cosmical vibes and feeling of lost alone in space"