Hi there!
There is a tutorial(The help file) and a sample project with the plugin already working, so you can see how it is done and replicate on your project. The help file link can be found on the Itch io page, and inside the plugin help description on the RPG Maker MZ.
Unfortunatelly, I will not do a video tutorial. And yes, it is a complex plugin, not plug and play at all. It needs for you to pay attention on the help file, and if that is not enough, the sample project too.
After you read the help file and saw the sample project, you still having problem with the setup, call me heretelling what you do not understand that I will guide you. You don't need to read the code to know how to use the plugin.
There is also some threads here with people talking about their difficulties of using the plugin, maybe some of your doubts are there too.