So. I finally got to play your game Will Fish.
And let me just start by saying that this was a great experience overall! It felt really polished for a jam project.
I loved:
- The artstyle
- The sound effects
- General gemplay and feel
- The atmosphere
- And of course minimalistic story
There were some things that you could improve here however:
- Your sprint got slower the more you used it and there wasn't a great indicator on when you can sprint again. There was the breathing soundeffect. But after it ended my sprint was still slow.
- It was a shame that there weren't any interactable objects outside of the keycard and the trains. I could definitely see some potential in interacting with the computers, or throwing desks over to stop the enemies.
Also there was one big thing that really bugged me.
The game window was called "Made with Gamemaker" and didn't have any favicon. That just felt off with how polished this experience was.
Still. This is some great stuff!