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Nice platformer. Really tough on time. I like that you were able to add a lot of cool abilities but wish there was a way to replenish time. The levels feel pretty solid though a lot of tough long jumps. I like how the jumps are mostly uniform, thus letting players get used to them. The attack has a super large hitbox and a tiny sword, little funny but might want to check that, haha. Adding jump or a different action to right click might be nice, else there isn't a big reason for the mouse to be used during platforming. 


Hi, thanks for playing our game! You can replenish time by killing enemies and completing stages ( both giving you 10 seconds each ), admittedly though we should've probably put that in the "how to play" section of our description lol, hope this helps and thanks for the feedback! :)

Ahhhh, I didn't notice that. I started to skip the enemies because I didn't think there was a need. I do understand the wish not to explain every little thing and I purposely didn't state everything in my game. I wish I had noticed that on my own. I was thinking of implementing a small "+X Time " popup but didn't get around to it, something like that when killing an enemy might be great for you and then you wouldn't have to explain it.