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this is one of the most underrated indie games i ever seen, the potential is huge. even as it is its a great game and worth a buy.
but the marketing and pricing is terribly done, its worth 5$ not 3$ its disrespectful to pay any less then 5$ for this game. you can burn a lot of hours of fun with it. and there isnt alot of text based games like it, not that polished.

if i was this game owner/creator, i would upload a video about it every day, knock on every door, post anywhere they let me post. and even have a marketing budget targeted at indie game fans (rouglike/crusader kings/ casual game fans etc) you need a real targeted market research and good copywriting somthing that will talk directly to your target (your game description is OK). maybe use influencers, like that crazy sseth he did ascii based game reviews (maybe find a smaller youtuber influencer).

 and a better way to monetize this, at this rate it wont fly, and this thing can. maybe a patreon. its so good i personally will throw more dollas at this just to get more content.

you made it in the product creation phase which is a great feat alone. but you need marketing/ copywriting too. learn those stuff, read gary halbert (his stuff is free  gold). psychology of buying (why people buy). search on google anything you can find on internet marketing (and game advertising) free and paid seo etc (you can dominate some of your games keywords=free trafic in the long term).

in any case good luck.

Hey Yoel, thanks for such a kind comment!

I appreciate you seeing potential in it, The game is currently on sale on steam and I'm trying to get the discount visible and use it as an opportunity to gain more players.

I'm always happy to take on ideas around marketing though so I appreciate it!

Thanks a bunch :)