For me this might win 4 of the categories by the end.
Music: Every track is well chosen and consistent, works well keeps the energy flowing.
Graphics: Probably the most consistent graphically in the jam, will be really close to winning again great job.
Story: So this part was just serviceable but the good side of serviceable, thats fine though cause a deep story would have kept me from the gameplay.
Gameplay: This is wonderful, super smooth and feels really nice. 5 stars. That said I have a couple of tiny pointers (one controller support), two I feel the roll is a little too far so when I dodge I’m dodgin miles away. I’d also like to be able to dodge through enemies as it would go a long way to sorting my one minor issues. Getting stuck on corners. The pixel movement was great but I felt like I was catching the edge of tiles on things like bushes etc.. which probably have square tile collision, also I wish there was some kind of star tiles so trees etc.. weren’t blocking movement and I could pass under the higher parts. All in all though a phenomenal job.
Overall: For me strongest game I’ve played. Great job, I’d actually buy this.