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Alright, I've managed to get all endings, and so far the experience has been great! Love the artstyle, the changes in dialogues when interacting with objects everyday, the room layouts, effects and sfx, and the endings! The piano puzzle can be quite tricky tho, but I'm glad I figured it out with your help.

My only few criticism are that the artstyle is pretty goofy sometimes, the arms and hands from characters should be fixed a bit, Marissa's eyes are bigger than Cordelia? (though I totally understand if that's your own artistic decision) The music can be better also.

Overall, I think this is the best submission in RPG Maker Horror Game Jam #4 up to this point, and I also made a playthrough for your game, my viewers will love to try out your game! Keep up the good work.


Thank you for playing! I’m glad that you liked it! <3