I like the game, the style, took me a couple of fails due to not reading the controls and gameplay mechanics more carefully, and struggled in some part because the items were blended with each other, making it hard to pick up, at one point there is ammo on the couch but I didn't know and failed a few times due to not having enough shells. I like that you have to press R to pump the shotgun after each shot, the ending is kinda predictable but overall it's cool for a little game jam.
Recent community posts
And LiminAce did it again! I woke up at nearly 10 am today and was met with an announcement from itch.io that you released a new VN, and since I'm kinda on a break this week, there's really nothing much to do but playing your new game and making a playthru for it, guess it's the norm now😂
This one sure triggered some of my unhappy memories at college, glad that I was out of it before I even knew it (or did I..?). I feel like this is the most personal (and relatable) game ever that you've ever made up to this point (to me at least), even though it ends tragically (oops spoiler), I enjoy how the story progresses and the character is portrayed, how helpless and overwhelmed Alice must have felt when rotting away in that bed, almost like if there were sleeping pills laying around, he would down the whole bottle and enter eternal bliss. Midway through the game I had hoped he would at least take small steps by cleaning bits of the room, taking out the trash and plants, but as advertised, he just lives with it... I don't even want to wonder if his sis ends up performing autopsy on him.
And as usual, another early playthrough video, sooner than anyone else, please note I never meant to be the first or sth, I just happened to be here like the first day (come on Mr.Clockworks you even have a cameo in one of LiminAce's games don't be jealous about this jk). Few weeks ago I was staying up late past midnight, trying to complete some video projects, there were several nights like that so I somewhat feel what you'd feel like right now, get some rest! And I wish the best results to come to this game!
It was a rough ride, but I made it through chapter 4! The game now has even more puzzles and areas in just one chapter, which keeps the game flow going pretty well, if anything I'd personally prefer the puzzles being tied to the plot or the mc a bit more at the first half of the chapter (like how the moths speak to Oliver), and that the new areas are explorable (therapist room).
I downloaded the 2.0.0 version when it came out, so the response options at the beginning of chapter 4 kinda bugged, I chose the first option but it played the dialogues for the 2nd option instead, it's fixed in 2.0.1 I suppose. There maybe misplaced sprites in the therapist cutscene, as it displays Ego's sprites instead of Oliver's, tho it can be a metaphor or sth, but I haven't checked that in v2.0.1 so if it's already fixed then that's great.
And well it seems that some random winds howling for background noise is copyrighted (at 13:08), but welp yt has an option to remove it so it's fine, only drawback is that audio in the part will sound like old low quality ipods.
I can't help but noticing there are several references/inspirations to TCOAAL (like how the portal and flower puzzles play out), there're also some ref to Better Half as well? Cuz you know Oliver talks to himself, Ego making suicidal/selfcest jokes, and even the line "A man who's spent the better half of a decade training to become a detective...", like there's just no dialogue out there like that lol. But whether those are references or not, it's still funny anyway, unlike the rest of the chapter...
I swear I sensed something ain't right minutes before THAT scene, and tho 6 months ago I kinda figured it out that something ain't right with the mother, I wouldn't expect her to be such a freak (literally), THAT scene really made me uncomfortable, combining with what happened in the therapist room, it's thoughtful that you implied how SA can happen to anyone and it should not be considered as "lucky" or anything positive, you did a great job with that and I think that would be the darkest part in the game (unless you make it worse in the endings somehow).
Looking forward to the final chapters! Also thanks for publishing Aquatic Grave's OST!
It's admirable that you made most of this game on mobile, while the ending is (spoiler) anti-climax as the player has survived through most of the game only to not have an ending where they can be alive, but for a game jam it's really decent, if I have anything else to complain then it's that gameplay becomes repetitive quickly and the animation is still too stiff, some parts in the game did spook me, the jumpscare could better. If this idea of a game had more time to be executed better, I believe it would be a more tense experience.
Zamn another LiminAce gamejam this year, you're the most efficient gamedev I've ever seen on this site, though I gotta say I didn't quite enjoy this latest entry of yours.
Cabin Fever!!! is kinda confusing to me as the situation in game keeps changing in the most unexpected and unhinged way possible (I predicted some scenes mid game but the ending is so... so mixed, I guess, couldn't find a proper word to describe it (a bit anti-climax perhaps but it's alright).
On the other hand I have some problems with few CGs and character's decisions in game, the one CG that bothers me most is Mel sitting on the couch in the apartment, it looks goofy ahh.
So Mel found a head still attached with the spine fallen out of a snowman at the front cabin's door, but there is no CG showing there's a body stuffed inside the rest of the snowman, Mel only got to see the head and spine part then panicked and hurried inside so how would she know the rest of the victim's body is there too? And is the victim's body still attached with the spine or separated? If it's separated then why must Mel bring every part of the body inside when she decided to cannibalize it? Not like she'd need the head and spine anyway (also just being way too detailed here but it would be nicer if the victim's body in the kitchen loses a few parts after the sisters made some soup out of it). I feel like Millie should also ask if Mel saw the victim's body or just the head and spine, because Millie just straight up thinking there's a body outside just like Mel thinks.
And if the wendigo is so hungry and worried about getting food in a snowy mountain, why should he leave such meat at some random cabin's door and hope some random girls would eat it just so they can become wendigos like him? He committed such evil thing before just cause he was hungry, or was it his madness and desperation that caused him to be a wendigo and not solely the hunger part? But still, he should value his meat more than trying to turn people into wendigos, cuz if the girls do turn into wendigos after cannibalizing the victim, they'd be fighting the wendigo dude and each other for food, perhaps the wendigo dude didn't think that far.
Other slight complaints are that the fireplace should emit more lights when the sisters put firewood in it, I was hoping the clothes lying on the floor would be used to start the fire in later days when the firewood runs out but nope. And that since Mel and Millie are medical students, Millie can use it as a reason to explain and reassure Mel when cannibalizing the victim, perhaps Millie is that insane already and she doesn't really need to use any excuse to justify her ideas and thoughts.
Sorry for my random rants about random details in the game that may not matter much (2am moments). Overall the game still does pretty well in portraying the frustrating relationship between two siblings, parental inheritance in their bloods, there are funny moments and references from your old games that made me giggle when I remember during the playthrough (so it was Millie who ordered that cursed drink), and the usual down bad side of some character...
And as usual, I've my playthrough of your game up and ready for the viewers to feast! No bugs or glitches happened in the playthrough this time.
The first thing I woke up to today is a LiminAce game jam lol, even though this one is shorter and has only one ending, it's still very decent and I enjoy it! Was almost lost at the candles puzzle tho, I really didn't notice the candles at the entrance for some reason.
I was half expecting the end to be more uplifting but got crushed pretty hard ("Divinity" really forbids men having fun huh), I've heard some horrible stories about parents sending their "confused child" to camps where they have to go through shady program and training that are supposed to "fix" them or sth, most got themselves tortured mentally and physically just to get back in the box of normalcy, while other stories about random cults and religious groups literally poisoning followers for "enlightenment" are more common, this version of yours is definitely new (to me at least) and a little scarier, they performed an actual surgery on the main character which I don't think is possible in this day and age yet (or maybe I just don't know enough but that's still possible to some degree I guess).
I also like that there are references to the previous game - The Cardinal Park Case, shedding some light on the mom's background - Adalia Hallows, this also makes me wonder when her twin sister will appear (just noticed recently by watching Clock's playthrough), seems like everyone will be in double trouble as long as those 2 sisters are still around, and poor Asher didn't escape contractual marriage 🥲, he must have gone thru hell just like Clarence, at least he still retains some of his "self" I guess, btw the first time I saw him I thought he was Oliver in teenage years lol.
The only thing missing now is ManlyBadassHero playing this one (you know why), it'll be epic, but hopefully no one will get too mad about this whole religion bad thingy once this game reaches certain high. Good work and keep it up!
And just like usual I also made a playthrough! I remember there was a spare word "to" somewhere in the dialogues, but everything else works fine.
Hello! I have checked out COCOA's steam page for a sec and I think it looks very unique! Though I'm not sure if I'm gonna play it once it comes out, cause I'm not really a fan of management game, I will still check it out for the story and give it a recommendation once it gets to that point! Wish you guys the best of luck for making that game.
I've had some bugs in my playthrough like the ringing noise doesn't stop and keeps repeating till the end, some dialogues don't have voice acting or loaded incorrectly, it's kind of a bummer that the main character only appears in CGs, I love the ending CGs so much, but sadly it's also the only thing that makes this whole experience worth it I guess? Still a decent visual novel imo, reminds me a lot of Aquatic Grave by LiminAce which has somewhat the same story lol (https://liminace.itch.io/aquatic-grave).
I was surprised to see that the monster has its own attack pattern which can track the player pretty well, defend behavior and is actually fun to fight, though it was hard in the first few attempts and no save feature, but you probably outdid yourself with the demo. I also made a playthrough for your game, hope more people will check it out!
Pretty neat and short visual novel! Though I wish that there were choices to alter the storylines and multiple endings, the art and overall atmosphere is good, still a bit liminal but enough for a game jam I guess. Would love to see you expand the story/universe of this whole shadow web thingy if there's a chance, I also made a playthrough for your game, hope more people will play your game!
Hey just passing by to let you know that your game got reuploaded by someone else: https://kingdragonsyt.itch.io/the-frozen-dead-wait
You should report this user
Đây có lẽ là một trong số ít những tựa game kinh dị trên itch.io do người Việt làm mà đạt chất lượng "tương đối hoàn thiện" như này, đồ hoạ game và cử động của các nhân vật rất đơn giản và còn cứng nhưng tạo ra được bầu không khí hoài niệm có phần kỳ dị, ghê rợn, như thể đang xem một bộ phim hoạt hình ko ai nhớ rõ tên của nó và tên nhà sản xuất được chiếu trên tv những năm đầu 2000-2010, khi mà công nghệ hoạt hình 3D và kinh phí thời ấy còn hạn chế. Cốt truyện của game cũng dễ hiểu và được diễn đạt khéo léo để làm ko làm mất đi tính tò mò của người chơi, song đó cũng là mặt yếu của game vì ko có nhiều tương tác giữa người chơi và môi trường, thiết kế nhân vật và môi trường trong game vừa đủ tối giản để ko tạo cảm giác quá trống trải nhưng lại hơi quá u tối và thậm chí tuyệt vọng, một số hiệu ứng âm thanh như tiếng bước chân lại hơi to với một đứa trẻ, và có lẽ là hơi lạm dụng jumpscare?
Về chủ quan thì đây vẫn là một sản phẩm khá độc đáo so với mặt bằng chung các game kinh dị Việt Nam và thậm chí game kinh dị quốc tế, về khách quan thì game kiểu này có thể sẽ khó tiếp cận với người chơi Việt Nam do thị hiếu ưa đồ hoạ đẹp, còn với người chơi quốc tế thì sẽ đòi hỏi phát triển gameplay và cốt truyện hơn, đặc biệt là ở các phần sau của game. Chúc nhà phát triển game có đủ nguồn vốn và tài lực để có thể tiếp tục "nuôi dưỡng" đứa con đầu lòng này và vươn xa trên thị trường quốc tế để sánh cùng với cường quốc năm châu, chứ đừng dựa hơi cái mác "Made in Vietnam" mà bao nhiêu nhà phát triển game độc lập ở VN khác đã sử dụng, để rồi nhanh chóng thoái trào, rơi vào dĩ vãng mà ko gây được tiếng vang dài lâu, hãy làm một tựa game bản thân muốn và chấp nhận cách người ta đón nhận nó, thay vì làm một tựa game với mong muốn được mọi người nâng lên chín tầng mây.
A few other things I forgot to mention, the atmosphere and soundtracks in this game are very good btw, love the indoor footstep noises, the Moonbills cafe vibes, definitely an improvement from Aquatic Grave (though Spider Lilies still stuck in my head sometimes, and duh the youtube video doesn't have it slowed like in that game). And tbf the *gore* kinda surprised me also (reader discretion ain't messing around).
Also think I found a bug in chapter 3, I went home instead of finding a way to go in the alley, then I chose to go to Greenwood's house and was stuck in a black screen, I had no other choice but to reload a save, as I dug through the game's files (excuse me for that), I found out that there's a picture of Greenwood's house, is that supposed to be an accessible area or unused stuff? (I also found a cutscene art of Oliver looking up named untitled159 and I don't think I have seen it anywhere when playing).
One last question, as the game still has 2 more chapters in development, not all of the soundtracks are used right? Cuz I listened to the OST on youtube and heard a few songs that I hear nowhere in the game (like Smothered), or maybe it's just my goldfish memory forgor it already.
Looking back, this game is so fun and packed with details to talk about, but Imma stop for now to progress more stuffs in the game later I guess.