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A member registered Nov 20, 2020

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Alright, I've managed to get all endings, and so far the experience has been great! Love the artstyle, the changes in dialogues when interacting with objects everyday, the room layouts, effects and sfx, and the endings! The piano puzzle can be quite tricky tho, but I'm glad I figured it out with your help.

My only few criticism are that the artstyle is pretty goofy sometimes, the arms and hands from characters should be fixed a bit, Marissa's eyes are bigger than Cordelia? (though I totally understand if that's your own artistic decision) The music can be better also.

Overall, I think this is the best submission in RPG Maker Horror Game Jam #4 up to this point, and I also made a playthrough for your game, my viewers will love to try out your game! Keep up the good work.

(I actually did find the music sheet and I immediately knew it has something to do with getting an ending, but I swear the last time I studied piano was in elementary school and I forgot everything since then lol)


Hello, I've been trying to break the code for the piano! I don't know which note goes with which number, can you help plz? It's the last ending I'm trying to get!

If you're just like me who comes across this game after being unable to play other black cat game jams as developers trust the web version too much, this game right here is a must, it may not be the best but it's definitely worth a play.

This is probably the only black cat game jam that I enjoy playing in the past few days, as other devs who made their jams didn't submit any download file, their game jams work terribly in web version lol. Anyway, I think your game is cool, though it's short and lacks of music in some areas, it's decent enough, the story is simple and and very relatable (god I sure hate group project), but I guess I like the first half of the game more? Cat Heaven and ghost cats stuff, it's fun to read through all the dialogues from NPC cats. Overall, it's a good experience, that's why I decided to make a playthrough video for your game, keep up the good work!


This game is probably more complex and detailed than other games with this genre out there, NPC and main characters have different dialogue options, optional dialogues can affect endings, the story however is really simple and not as interesting, but after all it's a short game, and free, and runs smooth, and doesn't take much space, the vibe of the whole game is cool too. I believe once you come up with a good horror plot then you can make an even better horror game in the future, but this will obviously take time to nurture.

And I also made a playthrough for your game, my few complaints are that you should not enable 30fps limit by default, the car glitch can happen after a few playthrough, and the dirt road to town should be hinted through dialogues first as player can get confused and will spend unnecessary amount of time wandering around.

Besides the annoyance of being unable to tick the checklist box sometimes, I think you can expand this game further and make it into a very unique SCP game, this project is very promising, plz continue it if you can! I also made a short playthrough for your game.

Is there other endings in the game besides the ending which the player got killed by the demon for finishing the ritual? I feel like I'm missing other items that can help open a locked door or a computer (can't find any computer that is on power, is the passcode just a implication for something?)

(1 edit)

Very fun game, I like that you even make different reload animations for when the gun still has ammo or empty, but I wish there was a way to change mouse sensitivity cuz in game it's so low that I have to twist my wrist aggressively to spin around, if you're planning to update the game then adding health bonus and slightly boost the tommy gun will be some good changes too, regardless of all that, still worth playing. I also made a short playthrough for your game!

does this have anything to do with SCP?

For some reason I struggled in normal mode more than hardcore mode, I literally beat hardcore in my first try, but regardless of that, pretty cool game, I wish the ending was more meaningful or something, made a gameplay video cuz this game is (not) such a stress-free experience.

(1 edit)

Pretty fun game, but I'd advise using your own assets (or free to use assets) and make the images yourself instead of using AI generated images for some of the news threads in the game, but still a very fun experience. I also made  a playthrough

Nice demo, I wishlisted the game on Steam, hope that I'll be able to play your game when it's completed! I also made a playthrough vid

I don't know what you posted and deleted, but if you're feeling overwhelmed by the support which your game recently has, and feel obligated to make an update, DON'T RUSH, relax and take a break as long as you want, then return to game dev when you're mentally and physically prepared, you have the potential and skills, and we can all wait for your next project/update (however you call it), so take it easy.

On the other hand, it's alright if you can't continue the story for LUNA, this is your first game after all and perhaps it's better if this game stays simple and short the way it is, however, I'm sure that people will  want to see more official arts for Luna and Kylar from you, it'd be great if you feature them as NPC characters in your next game or something, but it's all your choice, so stay cool and don't rush art!

A little update, it's possible to appeal to the (false) copyright claim of this song and win over the copyright abuse (by simply just adding the name of the song and the author in the video's description), still it's annoying when something like this happens, make sure you always credit the musics used in your next games! And maybe put a warning about this issue when the player boots up the game for the first time or sth.

Hey, just passing by to tell you a small problem about a copyrighted song in your game, it's "Midnight Grooves" by Savaane, I guess you must have downloaded this song from Pixabay cuz many people did the same thing and got copyrighted even though this song is free to use, please avoid using Pixabay to find musics, you should always check out those "non copyright" songs on YouTube to see if they are copyrighted or not, for example, if a video has those songs playing and saying it's free to use, check the description to see if there is any YouTube automated format of the song like in this image, hope this helps with your game dev.

I progressed a little further and got to the part which I had to open a padlock, but the code didn't seem to work? Do I have to find another code somewhere besides the storage room?

What am I supposed to do when interacting with the window as a cat where a woman is taking a shower inside?

Amazing work! Love the sketchy look of the character sprites and the overall simplistic background art, the cutscene arts are good too, however I don't understand much of the story lmao.


SO did Luna, Kylar or some random demon kill the staff members? Or it's just some sort of hallucination/flashback that Luna has when being in the bathroom?

And what did the Purple Demon do to be "dealt with" by the Chef? I thought that those characters would have impact on the endings or sth but turned out it didn't.

And one last thing, I'd be damned if this game, and you, the author, didn't take any inspiration from Nemlei, the person who made The Coffin of Andy and Leyley, just from the look of it, I could tell immediately, plz tell me I'm not wrong lol.

But anyhow, great first game! Though it could be better if this was made in RPG Maker? Cuz I can't find a way to play it at full screen, there's no save option, replaying the game from the start is not such a burden cuz the retail worker gameplay isn't that complicated and fun, looking forward to your next game!

I also made a playthrough btw, my viewers gonna love your game.

You can't move the dog around in game?

So I decided to make a gameplay video, definitely missing something like an ending or a piece of dialogues cuz I see a character sprite in the game's files that did not appear in my playthrough lol.

Anyway, on a serious note, the game is alright but it could be better by improving minor details, Grant's sprites is a little bland and less polished than other character's sprites like Max or Keichi imo, also I can see a few missing spots on Grant's sprites that need to be colored like his eyes, Ling's sprites should be re-adjusted to be larger than other character's sprites like Keichi's, the lady's sprite should also be re-designed cuz... It looks horrible tbh. The music is totally awesome, however I wished there were different soundtracks for both Ling and Grant, hearing the same soundtracks looping for 30 mins is quite tiring. Ultimately, the game being not completed is what makes me disappointed the most, but I understand if you and your dev team want to move on to make another game (and maybe a better game) instead of stucking with this title, so keep it up!

Thank you for the instructions! I will try to beat the game later, btw I forgot to mention that after playing the game for an hour or so, the game tended to freeze, when I quitted and restarted the game to play again, the freeze happened in 30 mins or so, hope this is useful for the game's development.

good lord I almost quitted at the first number puzzle (on the train), which I luckily solved after making some random guesses, then the second number puzzle (in the musical instruments store) really just made me want to give up tbh, I don't understand the hint at all, also the flower room is only supposed to kill Ling and no way out for her in that room? I really want to hear some explaination here (and help with the musical instrument puzzle too). Pretty alright game but I don't like the puzzle much, I hope to finish it tho.

Besides the same music and some sfx from Helltaker, this fangame is amazing, took me more than an hour to complete but absolutely worth it. It's strange to think about the main character having as little background stories as the Helltaker, but i guess it fits, that some people go in and out of hell for different reasons and their backgrounds don't mean much, it's what they do, it also doesn't hurt or interfere much with the main plot of Helltaker, this game can serve as a prequel to Examtaker even. Btw here's my playthrough, i hope more people will discover and play this small gem, it is as neat as Helltaker, and to think this is your first game is really impressive, keep it up!

I don't know if this's your first game but it's cool, though there is a few bugs and other annoying things: the doors keep slamming and pushing me away when i open it, some cutscene animation bug and a little discontent with how the killer works in this game, the gun should become a more powerful way to stop the killer for a few minutes instead of just running to the nearest cabin and get inside to despawn the killer, the axe should be used to break the door and destroy the plank instead of having to find a crowbar, also the safe vault puzzle should be more obvious like which key to turn left and right, but besides all of that, the game is playable and probably more decent than 90% percent itch.io games that people upload to this site everyday, you just need to make the gameplay better, more realistic and balance, you have potential for future games so keep it up!

Here's my playthrough video btw, you will see a bug i talk about at 18:14 (the video will not be at 1080p in a moment as i just uploaded it)

pretty cool, i like the atmosphere and graphics alot, but why does the main character picks up a his parent's head with little concerns tho lol

At first it was tough to identify the real threat, but i tried playing more seriously and got some fun. Here's my playthrough, it won't be public until the next 5hours due to some inconvenience, but still your game is alright.

If i have anything left to say, i'd wish you can add more stuffs to the game, maybe make a different game like this but with more action, and with better graphics i hope.

The lights didn't turn on when the monster walked in in that ending, this is the 2nd time i've got it. Also thanks for the info

Thanks, btw i just got the massacre ending again, but was it updated? Last time i got this ending the screen just turned black and changed to the broadcast message, this time i got a dopppelganger killing me for real, is there any other endings that got changed or it's all like this from the start?

I was getting used to the controls of the game, but welp seems like other people couldn't get used to that and made you change it, but that's just minor inconvenience, my first thought was you should let players look around by moving the mouse instead of using arrow keys or wasd. And i just played the updated version, seems to be better but still unluckily stuck at "no addition info" ending, guess i'll will have to let some monster in. But may i ask that is there more than one doppelganger that you can let them in or just one? I remember getting a 2 dead victims ending then got a massacre ending, that was in the previous version, also in the ending that has 2 dead victims, i stayed in the booth for longer than usual, no cars, no people showed up, then i decided to call the police and ended up getting that ending, probably a bug but real weird.

i managed to get 6 endings, will try to get the rest tomorrow, but i have a few comments about your game.

The almosphere is perhaps too dark combining with low poly graphics is just horrible, i can hardly see monsters limbs or hands especially the kind that let me know immediately which visitor is a doppelganger, which also forces me to 100% focus on the game cuz if i missed a brief second, i may end up letting one of those monsters into the camp. Sometimes visitors keep giving out the same answers 2 or 3 times even though they're not doppelganger, but it raises suspicion. Only be able to call the police once is kinda devastating as well, at least give the player 3 calls or something, but that's not the biggest problem. The biggest problem is that after playing the game serveral times, i find myself keep achieving the "no addition info ending", even when i'm not playing seriously and just let people pass when they messed up some of the answers.

So i hope you can improve something from what i've experienced, cuz this game is quite decent to some extent.

So i made another video showcasing some of the bugs (and yet i forgot to include a bug that when you fail too many times the game stuck at loading screen) and some other cool things i found too. Very looking forward to playing the next update!

(4 edits)

Man, really interesting game, but the bugs and mechanics kinda unstable and frustrated me alot. No joke but when i first played this demo, i skipped alot of stages cuz they were a another level of hard, then i decided to try out the 5th stage and... Well kinda broke it by luring subject 61 to the right corner then it just stuck there and kicked rocks at me lol. Anyway, i hope you can make the game... Perharp a little easier? Also pls make the foodchain (or whatever attack it is) in the 3rd stage to be more visible, the colors of the attack kinda blend in with the background. I don't meant to implement easier difficulties right in the next update but when the full game is out, cuz i don't wanna come back to those levels updates after updates, it was real struggle, almost like both helltaker and examtaker combined. The soundtracks are also awesome, thought it's not linked together in some parts but still ok.

By the way here's my playthrough, keep up the great work!

so after throwing the oil lamp to the shadow figure we just indirectly caused a fire fight and left? ok how to the other ending then

But i think you should rework the icons and clickings, they don't seem to react to the mouse half of the time

Nice arts and songs man, would be even better if there's a story behind it

i am Asian, i live in south east Asia and the voice control works fine, except for some issues i already mentioned above.

nice, at first i thought that was intentional as i glitched through the wall ( just like i did in the video ) and explored something else, would be cool if i fell in another combined space, as they usually say about not being careful may cause you to fall into the backrooms lol

I decided to record your game and discovered a few unpleasant things, if you can fix those bugs it'd be a good short game jam!

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how to escape level 2? Also when i restart the level ( choose new game when playing ), the wall seems to glitch and i cant get out of the room.

Edit: ok so i managed to escape level 2, however, when the elevator opens at level 3, the white wall literally covers the elevator door and i cant get out, another thing is that the elevator is still going or something.