Fun except for science. I quit after pottery. There doesn't seem to be any mechanism to automate science or even raise the value of scientists (other than random boosts). waiting around to click 200+ scientists to advance my tech is just way too tedious.
It would be much better to see a laboratory unlock with bricks and devote money/workers to simply produce science instead.
OK, yeah didn't make it that far. Even just Pottery is like 100 scientists (without random boosts) and the next was even more. since they only pop in randomly it's a real drag since you can't idle them nor can you truly actively play since it's mostly waiting making it a harsh active-required grind wall.
If you already have automation later the easiest early game might simply be to provide upgrades to boost values per scientist bringing the manual work back down to a tolerable level. Though that might require re-balancing costs if your base is higher going into automation.