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this isnt even your mod its crown zilla quit uploading every elses mods lo$er

(1 edit) (+1)(-1)

umm  i edited it loser


You definitely didn’t, it’s the same as crownzillas. Get a life bro


so it cant be  the name of the truck does not mean i did not edited it


You don't have my permissions to edit and re-upload my mod!

(1 edit) (-1)

crownzilla your a a loser ive seen 6 of these trucks be4 you came out  with one so if he stole your design whos did you steal


What design you dumbass, this is literally my mod, just reuploaded. I'm not talking about the design, this is simply my mod..

Re Re says what?

o ok so its your mod who gives a rats ass dumb fucking punk

*oh. Get your spelling right before insulting people with functioning brains :)


He doesnt need your permission. If yiu read the TOS, youd know that. But clearly you havent read the TOS as you sell mods. So maybe chill out a bit.


I already told you, just because you are dumb, doesn't mean others are. In the TOS it clearly states that people DO NOT gain automatic permissions to re-upload mods.


You clearly have no idea what the TOS says, otherwise you wouldn't be violating it by selling mods. So lets just assume this is a violation of the TOS, what ground do you have to preach about the TOS when you're violating it yourself? 

You did tell my your view on this, and then when I offered a rebuttal, as you so often do, you simply resorted to name calling. And I think I figured out why; you have no real knowledge here so all you can do is act like the little child you are and call other people names. 



6.3 Mods created and uploaded by the Customer may only be made available to third parties free-of-charge and not for gain. Commercial use or use in return for payment is not permitted. It is prohibited to sell or otherwise exploit Mods commercially without the consent of GIANTS (including the placement of ads in Mods or within the context of the distribution of Mods), including the sale or distribution of apps which contain Mods, as well as the sale of physical data carriers or downloading of Mods.

Pot calling the kettle black

crownzilla is just a money hungry loser thats why hes crying like a bitch

The mod is free dumbfuck.


Not all of your mods are free. You instead charge a rather high price for many of your mods. Dont pretend you dont. Just because you have some free mods doesnt negate the fact you charge for mods as well.


I never denied it you dumbfuck. I said that this mod is free. Don't like it, don't buy the mods. "Some"... juyst around 85-90% of the mods... what a clown.


Good old Crown, always resorting to name calling. Yes, this mod is free. That doesn't negate the fact that you can be called money hungry as you're also selling other mods for a steep price, which just so happens to be against the TOS. 


thank you man love you no diddy 

No Diddy Lmfao! Love it

zilla bronco i took and redid all your doing is paying for his textures. but yes money hungry is a good term. its ok i know the founders of expendables and they think zilla is a joke


aay he mad becasue it has more dowloads then hi

dude theres nothing your ass can call me to make me think more of your dumbass grow up tool bag

This kids launching a personal attack on crown 💀