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No "Devs" - just me, I'm afraid :)  Just to put your mind at ease: No, none of the girls were sexually assaulted. The game says they were attacked, and that's not a euphemism - they were attacked. Hence all the scars and injuries.

CK has never, and will never, feature NTR. It goes against the entire theme of the game, as well as being something that I would personally find very difficult to write for.

(1 edit)


sorry if i sounded rude, but there are some games in this platform that want to trick they audience just to put NTR content. that is why a wanted a clarification.

Note: if is not much of problem, can you tell me if the secondaries girls will  re-apear (schoolgirls, the apartament girls, etc. ) in act 3?

Thx, I was gettin'  too worried about this, and now I can sleep at ease, thx :))))

*coff coff* auntie's scene in the cell is...a singular case? XD

if you are talking about the scene with auntie's husband, that scene is optional. (you literally had to choose to get cuck/NTR). That is not equal with the problems of the messages above.

Again thank to the DEV for the aclarations.